Jerry used to study english. джерри раньше изучал . sam and mary used to go to mexico in the summer. сэм и мэри раньше часто ездили в мексику летом. i used to start work at 9 o'clock. раньше я начинал работать в 9 часов. christine used to eat meat, but now she is a vegetarian. раньше кристина ела мясо, а теперь она вегетарианка.i used to go to the beach every day. раньше я каждый день ходил на пляж.we used to swim in that riverмы купались в той реке.
1) when the weather the bad i do my home work. when the weather the bad i play computer games. when the weather the good i play football. when the weather is good i walk with my friend. when the weater is good i went with my parents in the sinema. when the weather is good y walk in the park with my parents. when the weather is bad i cleaned my room. when the weather is sunny ( in the summer) i had a sun baths. when the weather is raining i seat in front of the window and sad. when theweather is snowing i made a snowman.
Грачева мураховская
1. i never intentionally hurt anyone. 2. i am always defensive about my rights. 3. my mom really annoyed by her colleagues. 4. it is essential to protect the environment. 5. john one of the most reliable people. 6. the color of your jacket is similiar to the color of my bag! 7. the brightness of our world is mirroring in esenin's poems. 8. my sister likes to sing silly commercial songs. 9. there were very exciting quiz in yesterday's newspaper. 10. daddy told me off because i had come home much later than he had asked. 11. i heard that tommy is in love with ginger! 12. the company charged off this debt as hopeless. 13. my classmates always encourage me to do stupid things. : )