2 Посмотри на ключевые фразы, которые мы используем для вещей, которые видим и для вещей, которые слышим. Какие могут быть использованы и для того, и для другого:
Ключевые фразы. Размышление о том, что ты видишь и слышишь
Это выглядит, как Это не выглядит, как
Это звучит, как Это не звучит, как
Возможно, это Я уверен, это
Думаю, что фразы со словом выглядит используем для вещей, которые видим. С выражением звучит, как... для того, что мы слышим. И ..Возможно, это ...и Я уверен, это...для обоих
1) the budget is drawn up for a certain period of time. Depending on the goals, we can draw up a budget for a variety of periods (week, month, quarter, half year, year, several years).
2) If you do not control your money, then money controls you. How? Like this:
Didn't keep track of expenses and income
Formulated inappropriate budget
Not enough money for groceries
Get out of your savings
You can't save up, take a loan
Not enough money, quit saving to pay off the loan
No savings, in an emergency you need a loan again
3) When a person accustomed to poverty unexpectedly receives a large sum of money, he immediately begins to throw it right and left. According to statistics, the average time for which ALL winners of large sums in the lottery go broke is three years. And one of the main reasons why this happens is that they do not have a habit of saving.
4) personally, I spend money when necessary, and in extreme cases I spend on myself if there is enough money to take what you want or would like.
5) Yes, in order to leave money for a very difficult time, for example, during quarantine, many people are left without work, money, borrow money, knowing that they are deprived of work and not knowing where to get money to give it back.
6) family, clothing, food, entertainment (as a last resort, if possible), etc.
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Вставьте глаголы в правильной форме: do yiu like hedgehogs? we do. yesterday visit)/ hedgehog hospital at prickli ball farm. see, touch), learn a lot of intresting thinghs about these funny animals. have) two hedgehogs im your do0 you? then you leave) some bread and milk for them at night. at the farm we feed) little to whats) baby take) care of the little to ride) donkeys and collect) eggs. in the afternoon have0 delicious cakes and tea in the whole hog cafe.the be) full of be) you be) there? next time take) you with us.