Ермакова Ирина674

Составить предложения язык тема пассивный залог : запишите словаp используя слова в скобках все предложения присутствует. 1what language / speak / in ethiopia? ) 2.(what / this machine / use / for? ) 2: напишите предложения используя слова в скобках все предложения в прошлом 1.(this room / paint / last month) 2.(these houses / build / about 50 years ago) 3.(ann's bicycle / steal / last week) 4.(three people / injure / in the accident) 5.(when / this church / build? ) 6.(when / слова / invent? ) 7.(how / the window / break? ) 8.(anybody / injure / in the accident? ) 9.(why / the letter / send / to the wrong address? )

Английский язык


1. what language is spoken in ethiopia? 2. what is this machine used for? 1. this room was painted last month. 2. these houses were built about 50 years ago. 3. ann's bicycle was stolen last week. 4. three people were injured in the accident, 5. when was this church built? 6. when were the words invented? 7. how was the window broken? 8. was anybody injured in the accident? 9. why was the letter sent to the wrong address?
The knightsbridge lounge-это гламурный ресторан, расположенный внутри элитных  sheraton park tower hotel, где послеобеденный чай является главной достопримечательностью. основан в  одном из самых престижных районов лондона, в районе найтсбридж гостиная является декадентской  место, оформлено в потрясающих желтых и золотых тонах с огромными канделябрами и уютными  кожаными диванами это роскошное место, чтобы провести день вкушения   британской традиции послеобеденного чая.

Witch (1.put)a King's son under a spell. She (2.shut) him in a great iron Chest. Then, with the help of her magic she (3.hide) the Prince,Chest,and all, in the middle of a lonely forest. No one (4.know) what (5.become) of the Prince,The Prince's father (6.send) men far and wide but they (7.Can,not) (8.find) him.Year after year the Chest (9.stand) there in great wild forest. It so (10.happen) that a King's daughter (11.lose) her way in that forest.She (12.walk) for nine days and suddenly she (13.see) some strange Chest (14.stand) in front of her.She also (15.hear) the Chest (16.speak). The Chest (17.want) (18.know) where the girl (19.come) from and where she (20.go).She (21.answer) she (22.lose) her way.The foice from the Chest (23.say) it (24.help) the if she (25.promise) (26.come) back and (27.marry) him. She (28.agree)


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Составить предложения язык тема пассивный залог : запишите словаp используя слова в скобках все предложения присутствует. 1what language / speak / in ethiopia? ) 2.(what / this machine / use / for? ) 2: напишите предложения используя слова в скобках все предложения в прошлом 1.(this room / paint / last month) 2.(these houses / build / about 50 years ago) 3.(ann's bicycle / steal / last week) 4.(three people / injure / in the accident) 5.(when / this church / build? ) 6.(when / слова / invent? ) 7.(how / the window / break? ) 8.(anybody / injure / in the accident? ) 9.(why / the letter / send / to the wrong address? )
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