
Turn from active into passive. 1. an expert is restoring the antique car. the antique car ie being restored by an expert. 2. steven spielberg has directed a lot of successful films . 3. the judge has fined him £300. 4.a number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport. 5. a famous designer is going to redecorate the president's house 6. the romans founded bath in the first century a.d 7. a nightmare woke mary up 8. muslims celebrate ramadan. : 9. van gogh painted "sunflowers" 10. astronauts are exploring space ,

Английский язык


2. a lot of successful films have been directed by steven spielberg. 3. he has been fined £300 by the judge. 4. the professor will be met by a number of reporters at the airport. 5. the president's house is going to be redecorated by a famous designer 6. bath was founded by the romans in the first century a.d 7. mary was woken up by a nightmare 8. ramadan is celebrated by muslims. 9. "sunflowers" was painted by van gogh 10. space is being explored by astronauts.

1) i see nothing terrible in dismissal if you have a good steady income apart from work.

2) you needn't have prepared for the meeting. it was cancelled all the same.

3) try putting this spice into the soup. the taste will be really exciting.

4) he was made to explain everything.

5) i see a ship in the horizon.

6) entering a university is his dream.

7) how is he? he is fine, thanks.

8) who wants to participate in this game?

9) i met a manager at the desk. the manager explained everything to me quite clearly.

10) do we have to do it on the spot?

11) a woman suddenly addressed me at the corner and asked the way.

12) i hate you speaking like that!

14) when the ball bounced out of the sports ground the girl ran to take it back.

13) they communicate in a big network.

15) people writing such articles do not think about their effect.

16) the parcels have not been sent yet.

17) the project launched by our company is attractive.

18) i believe you will weigh all the facts carefully before the decision.

19) when we looked in they were sitting motionlessly in wait.

20) it is not our mistake. it is hers.

21) the tickets ordered are delivered.

22) when we finish, we will let you know.

23) i will be able to do it next week.

24) it is not my car. it is hers.

25) you don'thave to wake up early. it is not necessary.

Возьмите меня на 33-й этаж , " сказал он, обращаясь к liftman . 2. " не забывай свои бутерброды , " сказал, что его мать . 3. " показать посадочный талон на человека в нога трапа , " сказал клерк . 4. " сядь и скажи мне, что беспокоит вас , " сказал он ей . 5. " не садитесь за руль слишком близко к машине впереди, " сказал инструктор по вождению . 6. " пишите мне так часто, как вы * можете, " сказал, что его жена . 7. " не подходи близко к воде , дети, " сказала она . 8. " жди меня на мосту , " сказал молодой человек . 9. " не забудьте указать свое имя в верхней части страницы , " сказал он . 10. " не забудьте заказать столик , " сказала энн . voz'mite menya na 33-y etazh , " skazal on, obrashchayas' k liftman . 2. " ne zabyvay svoi buterbrody , " skazal, chto yego mat' . 3. " pokazat' posadochnyy talon na cheloveka v noga trapa , " skazal klerk . 4. " syad' i skazhi mne, chto bespokoit vas , " skazal on yey . 5. " ne sadites' za rul' slishkom blizko k mashine vperedi, " skazal instruktor po vozhdeniyu . 6. " pishite mne tak chasto, kak vy * mozhete, " skazal, chto yego zhena . 7. " ne podkhodi blizko k vode , deti, " skazala ona . 8. " zhdi menya na mostu , " skazal molodoy chelovek . 9. " ne zabud'te ukazat' svoye imya v verkhney chasti stranitsy , " skazal on . 10. " ne zabud'te zakazat' stolik , " skazala enn

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Turn from active into passive. 1. an expert is restoring the antique car. the antique car ie being restored by an expert. 2. steven spielberg has directed a lot of successful films . 3. the judge has fined him £300. 4.a number of reporters will meet the professor at the airport. 5. a famous designer is going to redecorate the president's house 6. the romans founded bath in the first century a.d 7. a nightmare woke mary up 8. muslims celebrate ramadan. : 9. van gogh painted "sunflowers" 10. astronauts are exploring space ,
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