
Рассказ на о своем городе (санкт-петербург красивый город, я его люблю.много узких и длинных улочек. много муззеев. люблю ходить в эрмитаж. люблю прогулки по неве. ну и еще 3-4 предлжения в таком духе.

Английский язык



i live in russia,  st.-petersburg. it's really beautiful city, i lovemy city so much.  st.-petersburg has a more  narrow streets and long streets too.  i like to go to the hermitage. and  i love walks across neva.  st.-petersburg is second capital of russia. people  which live in st. petersburg very happy and amazing! i really proud of my city, because he is very increndible. i think that you love our city too.

Ноу мор шампань энд зэ фаирворкс ар зру хир ви арми энд ю филинг лост энд филинг блю итс зэ энд оф зэ парти энд зэ морнинг симс сок грэй соу анлайк естэрдэй науз зэ тайм фор ас ту хэппи нью йир хэппи нью йир мэй ви ол хэв э вижин нау энд зэн оф э ворлд вэр аур нэйбор из э фрэнд хэппи нью йир хэппи нью йир мэй ви ол хэв аур хопс, аур вил ту трай иф ви донт ви майт эз вэл лэй даун энд дай ю энд ай самтаймс ай си хау зэ брэйв нью ворлд эрайвс энд ай си хау ит зрайвс ни зэ эшиз оф аур лайфс оу ес, мэн из э фул энд хи зинкс хил би окей дрэгинг он, фит оф клей нэвэр ноуинг хиз эстрэй кипс он гоуинг хэппи нью йир хэппи нью йир мэй ви ол хэв э вижин нау энд зэн оф э ворлд вэр эври нейбор из э фрэнд хэппи нью йир хэппи нью йир мэй ви ол хэв аур хопс, аур вил ту трай иф ви донт ви майт эз вэл лэй даун энд дай ю энд ай симс ту ми нау зэт зэ дримс ви хэд бифор ар ол дэд, назинг мор
1) what is the title of the film? the title of the film is little women. 2) what famous novel is the film based on? the film based on the  famous novel  little women that was written by american writer  louisa may alcott.3)where does the action take place? the action takes place in the united states of america. 4)when does the action take place? the action takes place in the nineteenth century. 5) main characters(looks, personalities) the main characters are four sisters:     margaret, jo, beth and amy .margaret  or  meg  is  the eldest of the  sisters.  she is16 years old. she is  very beautiful,  obedient  and  humble.  she is ashamed that she is poor, she wants to wear beautiful dresses and expensive jewelry. she loves her younger sister amy best of all in her family. josephine or jo is  15 years old.  she  is  like a  boy. she loves climbing trees, running, riding a bike, sometimes  she is  ready to fight. she loves reading and dreams of becoming a writer. she  is a bit rude, because she is honest and does not like to lie. most of all she loves beth. elizabeth, or beth  is  12 years. she is a  very quiet, shy and obedient girl. she loves music and wants to play the piano. she doesn't  quarrel with someone, and  she  loves all her sisters. amy is the youngest in the family. she is only 11 years old. she is very pretty, well-educated, but she is a very cunning   girl. she knows that   everybody likes her and she knows how to use it. amy often offends, she is selfish and a bit capricious. but she  is not a bad girl and she knows how to apologize, if she has done something wrong. 6) what is the plat? the plat is wonderful.7)in what ways do you think the sisters are different? they are different an any ways.margaret  is  very beautiful,  obedient  and  humble.  elizabeth  is  very  quiet, shy  and  obedient.  jo  is like a  boy.  amy is very pretty, well-educated, but she is a very cunning   girl.  8) how have the sisters changed in the film(store)? sorry, i don't understand this question.9) what does the story teach us? the story teaches us to love our family, be   friendly and close  because we're the closest people in the world . 10) my impressions - i like this film and this story very much. it's  worth seeing.

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Рассказ на о своем городе (санкт-петербург красивый город, я его люблю.много узких и длинных улочек. много муззеев. люблю ходить в эрмитаж. люблю прогулки по неве. ну и еще 3-4 предлжения в таком духе.
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