
Перевидите сказку на .яз.. бедный мужик шел по чистому полю, увидал под кустом зайца, обрадовался и говорит: - вот когда заживу домком-то! возьму этого зайца, убью плетью да за четыре алтына. на те деньги куплю свинушку. она принесет мне двенадцать поросеночков. поросятки вырастут, принесут еще по двенадцати. я всех приколю, амбар мяса накоплю. мясо , а на денежки дом заведу да сам женюсь. жена-то родит мне двух сыновей: ваську да ваньку. детки станут пашню пахать, а я буду под окном сидеть да порядки наводить: “эй вы, , крикну, васька да ванька! шибко людей на работе не подгоняйте, сами бедно не живали! ” да так-то громко крикнул мужик, что заяц испугался и убежал, а дом со всем богатством, с женой и детьми пропал.

Английский язык


The poor man was walking along the open field, he saw a rabbit under a bush, was delighted and said: - that's when alive domcom something! take this rabbit, kill da whip selling four hit the jackpot. with the money buy svinushki. it will bring me twelve piglet. porosyatki grow, bring another twelve. i'm all funny, barn meat accumulated. meat selling, and money house cer yes he will marry. wife will give birth to something me two sons: vaska yes vanka. kids will plow tillage, and i'll sit by the window so direct orders, "hey you guys, shout, let vaska vanka! helluva lot of people at work is not customized, the poor themselves are not alive! "yes, so some guy shouted that the hare was frightened and ran away, and the house with all the wealth, with his wife and children gone.держи 
The poor man was walking along the open field, he saw a rabbit under a bush, was delighted and said: - that's when alive domcom something! take this rabbit, kill da whip selling four hit the jackpot. with the money buy svinushki. it will bring me twelve piglet. porosyatki grow, bring another twelve. i'm all funny, barn meat accumulated. meat selling, and money house cer yes he will marry. wife will give birth to something me two sons: vaska yes vanka. kids will plow tillage, and i'll sit by the window so direct orders, "hey you guys, shout, let vaska vanka! helluva lot of people at work is not customized, the poor themselves are not alive! "yes, so some guy shouted that the hare was frightened and ran away, and the house with all the wealth, with his wife and children gone.
Do you help our planet? do you atleast recycle? i hate to say it but, global warming is taking over. we need to take a stand. i'm not trying to act like a peace queen or anything, it's just, i want my great grandchildren to see this wonderful planet. wouldn't you like yours to do the same? additional details to all the people giving negative answers: there is no need for all the negativity. even if we are "doomed" we can still try. can't we? it's not too hard to help out just a little bit. but, write whatever you feel. it's your decision, not mine. i am like the most eco-friendly person ever! i recycle like crazy and i even have a recycled hemp lunch bag for school. i feel the same way as you in that the world needs to stay beautiful. even the smallest things can make a difference, like using a zip lock baggie more than once before throwing it out. it takes so much oil to make plastic. just make some small adjustments to save certain materials. if everyone does their share, we can stop global i


1), is

2), she wasn't

3) i am

4)did she didn't

5), they weren't

6), i do


а)tom and jess watched television two days ago.

б)i watch television every sunday.

в)tom and jess arent walkíng through the wood now.

г)lady blackdown disappeared two days ago.

д)i/ wasn't walking in the wood two days ago.

е)tom and jess travel by busevery sunday.

ж)i am watching tv now.


а)lady blackdown lived in blackdown wood 200 years ago.

б)the children escaped from the strange house last weekend.

в)they love to go to parties.

г)she watches television every day.

д)they tried to do their homework yesterday but it was difficult.

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Перевидите сказку на .яз.. бедный мужик шел по чистому полю, увидал под кустом зайца, обрадовался и говорит: - вот когда заживу домком-то! возьму этого зайца, убью плетью да за четыре алтына. на те деньги куплю свинушку. она принесет мне двенадцать поросеночков. поросятки вырастут, принесут еще по двенадцати. я всех приколю, амбар мяса накоплю. мясо , а на денежки дом заведу да сам женюсь. жена-то родит мне двух сыновей: ваську да ваньку. детки станут пашню пахать, а я буду под окном сидеть да порядки наводить: “эй вы, , крикну, васька да ванька! шибко людей на работе не подгоняйте, сами бедно не живали! ” да так-то громко крикнул мужик, что заяц испугался и убежал, а дом со всем богатством, с женой и детьми пропал.
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