1793-one thousand seven hundread ninety-three. 1908-one thousand nine hundread eight. 1947-one thousand nine hundread forty-seven. 2009-two thousand nine. 1802-one thousand eight hundread two. 1959-one thousand nine hundread fifty-nine.
1)seventeen ninenty three 2)nineteen and eight 3)nineteen forty seven 4)twenty and nine 5)eighteen and two 6)nineteen fifty nine
1. russia (ranks) second in the world, after the usa, in the length of the railway network. россия занимает второе место после сша по протяженности ж.д сети. 2. tomas bouch (designed) the tay bridge in 1878 and everybody (spoke) about it as one of the wonders of the world. томас бауч спроектировал мост через реку тей в 1878 году и все говорили о нем как об одном из чудес света 3. you (will be met) by an agent from the travel bureau at the airport. в аэропорту вас встретит агент из бюро путешествий 4. liquid goods (are transported) in tank cars. наливные грузы перевозят в вагонах-цистернах 5. the first stephenson’s steam locomotive (was called) “the rocket”. первый паровоз стефенсона назывался "ракета"
1. do you walk) round the lake every sunday? yes, but i don't go) there because it is raining) 2 is boris doing his homework at the moment? no, he is at the cinema. he is watching) a film with his friends 3. do your parents work) on saturday? no, we usually visit my grandma and then have lunch 4.jenny looks really tired. do you know) why? yes, she did not sleep) well these days 5. i am waiting for ivan. do you know) where he is? yes, he is studyng) in the library 6. do you want) to go swimming? i am afraid i can not. i am looking after) my little sister all day
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Сделать напишите даты словами на даты: 1) 1793 2) 1908 3) 1947 4) 2009 5) 1802 6) 1959