3. i'm feeling a bit tired. i don't fancy going out.
4. tim isn't very reliable. he tends to forget things.
5. i've got a lot of luggage. would you mind helping me?
6. there's nobody in the house. everybody seems to have gone out.
7. we don't like our flat. we are thinking about moving.
8. the vase was very valuable. i was afraid to touch it.
9. bill never carries money with him. he's afraid he might get robbed.
10. i wouldn't go to see the film. it's not worth seeing.
11. i'm very tired after that long walk. i'm not used to walking so far.
12. sue is on holiday. i received a postcard from her yesterday. she seems to enjoy herself.
13. dave had lots of holiday photographs. he insisted on showing them to me.
14. i don't want to do the shopping. i'd rather ask somebody else to do it.
1)i got up early(я проснулся(лась) рано)
2)i was very busy yesterday(я был(а) занят(а) сегодня)
3)she hadn't time then(у неё не было времени тогда)
4)when did you take a shower(когда ты принимал(а) душ? )
5)that evening we watched tv and went to the cinema(в тот вечер мы
посмотрели телевизор и пошли в кинотеатр)
6)the alarm clock woke him at eight(будильник разбудил его в восемь)
7)her friends often came to see her(ее друзья часто приходили,чтобы увидеть её)
8)she didn't notice him(она не заметила его)
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