
1management is in a revealed in variety of specific а) doesn't it? b) does it? с) isn't it? 2 a manager should know how to organize and coordinate а) does he? b) shouldn't he? с) should he? 3 however the manager will rarely have all the knowledge he а)does he? b) is he? с) won't he? 4 managers must be competent in every aspect of а) must they? b) do they? с) mustn't they?

Английский язык


1с) isn't it? 2 b) shouldn't he? 3 с) won't he? 4 с) mustn't they?
Мне нравится ходить в походы с родственниками или с одноклассниками или просто с друзьями. потому что это всегда интересно. всегда когда мы ходим в поход мы устраиваем пикники на свежем воздухе. ещё мы делаем так мы берём с собой мяч и играем в разные игры на природе. это здорово. мы любим ходить в походы. мне тоже нравится ходить в походы. мне кажется так мы с природой обмениваемся энергией.вот переводi like to go hiking with relatives or with classmates or just with friends. because it is always interesting. always when we go camping we have picnics in the open air. we also do it so we take the ball with us and play different games in nature. it's great. we love to go hiking. i also like to go hiking. it seems to me that we are exchanging energy with nature.
1. on our way home she kept (on) asking him a lot of questions about his journey. по пути домой она, не переставая, задавала ему множество вопросов о его путешествии.2. all through dinner they kept (on) talking about the experiment. весь обед они, не переставая, говорили об эксперименте.3. the headmaster's wife keeps (on) inviting me to dinner. жена директора постоянно приглашает меня на обед.4. as he drove about the town he kept (on) watching the traffic lights. проезжая по городу, он всю дорогу следил за светофорами.5. he stood at the doors of the theatre and kept (on) looking at his watch now and then. он стоял в дверях театра и постоянно посматривал на часы.6. she kept (on) smiling while reading the book. он, не переставая, , читая книгу.перевод предложения из примера: он постоянно меня перебивал, когда я рассказывал .

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1management is in a revealed in variety of specific а) doesn't it? b) does it? с) isn't it? 2 a manager should know how to organize and coordinate а) does he? b) shouldn't he? с) should he? 3 however the manager will rarely have all the knowledge he а)does he? b) is he? с) won't he? 4 managers must be competent in every aspect of а) must they? b) do they? с) mustn't they?
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