
Вставьте вместо точек притяжательное место- имение в требуемой форме. 1. tell him not forget …… ticket; she must not forget …… either. 2. whose books are those? are they …… or ……? 3. my bag is bigger than …… . 4. those seats are not ……, they are …… . 5. his story is much more interesting than …… . 6. his name is martin, …… is ann. 7. i haven’t got a dictionary. can you give me …… . 8. their boat is faster than ……

Английский язык


1. tell him not to forget …his… ticket; she must not forget …hers… either. 2. whose books are those? are they …yours … or …mine…? 3. my bag is bigger than yours… . 4. those seats are not …yours…, they are …ours… . 5. his story is much more interesting than …yours… . 6. his name is martin, …hers… is ann. 7. i haven’t got a dictionary. can you give me …yours… . 8. their boat is faster than …ours… .


1. I shall go to visit my relatives in the village next week.

2. We shall see this new film in two months.

3. I shall not meet you at the station tomorrow, I'll be busy.

4. We shall come home late in the evening.

5. I shall take this dictionary in the library after my lessons.


1. На следующей неделе поеду к родственникам в село.

2. Мы увидим этот новый фильм через два месяца.

3. Завтра на вокзале не встречусь, буду занята.

4. Вернемся домой поздно вечером.

5.Я возьму этот словарь в библиотеку после уроков.



Салават Юлаев – национальный герой Башкирии (батыр), поэт-сказитель(сэзэн). Прославился как один из самых активных сподвижников Емельяна Пугачева в Крестьянской войне 1773-1775 годов.

В памяти башкирского народа Салават Юлаев навсегда останется национальным героем, борцом за права коренных жителей страны. Несмотря на юный возраст, он возглавил войско и повел его воевать за правое дело. Однако не только военными подвигами прославился этот отважный юноша. Он писал стихи на родном языке, прославлял свою отчизну, и без его творчества культура Башкирии утратила бы свою колоритность.


Salavat Yulaev, a national hero of Bashkortostan (Batyr), the poet-narrator(Sezen). He became famous as one of the most active associates of Emelyan Pugachev in the Peasant War of 1773-1775.

In the memory of the Bashkir people, Salavat Yulaev will forever remain a national hero, a fighter for the rights of the country's indigenous people. Despite his young age, he led the army and led it to fight for a just cause. However, this brave young man became famous not only for his military exploits. He wrote poems in his native language, glorified his homeland, and without his work, the culture of Bashkiria would have lost its colorfulness.


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Вставьте вместо точек притяжательное место- имение в требуемой форме. 1. tell him not forget …… ticket; she must not forget …… either. 2. whose books are those? are they …… or ……? 3. my bag is bigger than …… . 4. those seats are not ……, they are …… . 5. his story is much more interesting than …… . 6. his name is martin, …… is ann. 7. i haven’t got a dictionary. can you give me …… . 8. their boat is faster than ……
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