
Нужна краткая биография фаины раневской(на )

Английский язык


Father faina ranevskaya feldman hirsch haimovich owned a factory of dry paints. he also had a few houses, a shop and ship "st. nicholas". mother - feldman milka rafailova (nee zagovaylova). the faina had two brothers and an older sister bella. when faina was 5 years old, her younger brother died. faina g. was told that she was not happy in the parental home. why girl from a wealthy family, having a brother and sister, and dearly beloved mother, felt unhappy and lonely? most likely due to the fact that the faina was very vulnerable because of the easy stuttering, which the girl had suffered since birth. faina did not communicate with their peers, she had no friends. also the girl did not like to study. in the juniors, faina studied at the mariinsky girls ' school, but then the girl begged my parents to take her out. faina got home education, he studied music, singing, foreign languages, loved to read. in twelve years faina became interested in cinema. later she became interested in theater. in 1913 faina went on the play "the cherry orchard" by a. p. chekhov at the moscow art theatre. after that she fell in love with the scene and decided to become an actress. faina passed the external examinations for the course school and began to attend classes at a private theatre studio a. jagiello. after a time, faina said family that wants to become a professional actress, which she strongly quarreled with his parents and broke with the family. in 1915 she went to moscow. перевод нужен?

everyday i wake up and go at school. i can`t understand why other pupils don`t like school. first of all, it is a very interesting and useful place. at school you can get many new knowledges everyday. i have many favourite lessons: russian, history, mathematics,litrature. i`m so proud of me when i get excellent marks, but i`m learning in order to be clever, not just to get good marks.

also you can`t forget that school is place where you meet your friends. you can chat, laugh, have fun.

one of the reasons the youth is the best time of life is school that`s why all we shouldn`t waste time


канада является второй по величине страной в мире и крупнейшей на северо-американском континенте.многие люди верят в то,что северной расположение канады,делает эту страну холодной.действительно,климат канады варьируется в зависимости о того,в каком районе вы живёте или находитесь.потому что её огромные размеры с   чрезвычайно разнообразным ланшафтом от снежных полей,высоких гор,равнин,прерий и нижних прибрежных районов,погодные условия меняются в широких пределах от арктической тундры до мягкого морского климата юго-западной провинции британской колумбии.

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