The beautiful capital of the Ukraine is situated on the famous Dnieper River. It is one of the oldest cities. Its history dates back to the sixth century. Kiev museums exhibited many ancient articles at the Metropolitan Museum of New York.
The War Memorial Park is famous for the monument to the Unknown Soldier. There are many graves of soldiers who defended their country to the death. They made Kiev free from the Nazis.
There are very many sports centres in the capital of the Ukraine. The citizens of Kiev can go in for any kind of sport: football, tennis, volleyball, swimming, etc.
The Kiev ballet on ice is well known in many countries. The Ukrainian folk dance group is also widely known. There are many interesting theatres in Kiev.
Красивая столица Украины расположена на знаменитом Днепре. Это один из старейших городов. Его история восходит к шестому столетию. Киевские музеи выставляли много античных экспонатов в Музее Метрополитен в Нью-Йорке.
Мемориальный парк знаменит своим памятником Неизвестному солдату. Там есть много могил солдат, отдавших свои жизни, защищая свою страну. Они освободили Киев от нацистов.
В столице Украины много спортивных комплексов. Жители Киева имеют возможность заниматься любыми видами спорта: футболом, теннисом, волейболом, плаванием и т. д.
Киевский балет на льду хорошо известен во многих странах. Украинский ансамбль народного танца также имеет широкую известность. В Киеве много интересных театров.
I. Запиши номера глаголов, которые не используются во времени Continuous.
3. to know
4. to love
6. to see
III. Найди и исправь ошибки. Запиши предложения без ошибок.
1. She is loving her parents. - She loves her parents.
2. Alex don’t know this grammar rule. - Alex doesn’t know this grammar rule.
3. They is reading books at the moment. - They are reading books at the moment.
4. Is he swimming on Sundays? - Does he swim on Sundays?
5. I am wanting to be a doctor. - I want to be a doctor.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Заранее . 1. tom was a good student and he succeeded all subjects. 1)in 2) on 3)at 4) - 2. i prefer maet fish. 1) than 2) at 3) for 4) to 3. do you mind the window? it is too hot here. 1) to open 2) opening 3)open 4) to opening 4. i object your coming home so late! 1) 2) to 3) for 4) against 5. i was afraid a dark room when a child. 1) to enter 2) entering 3) of entering 4)enter 6. what about to the country on sunday? 1) to go 2) go 3) going 4) went 7. listen dora! why not in the singing contest? you are good at singing! 1) to take part 2) taking apart 3) take apart 4) took apart 8. what are you thinking about? i am thinking about a new bike? 1) buying 2) buy 3) to buy 4) how to buying 9. i am not sure yet if we'll go to england. it depends the visas. 1) of 2) about 3) at 4) on 10. just think! tom has up smoking! 1) given 2) bringing 3) leaving 4) getting 11. i have decided the music society of our school. 1) join 2) joining 3) to join 4) that me join 12. have you watched "the lord of the ring"? it is really worth ! 1) to see 2) seeing 3) see 4) of seeing 13. dear friends, i want to thank you ! 1) by coming 2) on coming 3) coming 4) for coming 14. why are we still at home? because it looks raining! 1) like 2) as 3) of 4) - 15. i've read so much about england! now i am looking forward this wonderful country/ 1) visiting 2) to visit 3) of visiting 4) to visiting