
Вставьте правильный глагол: 1. she (not) study japanese. 2. your father smoke? 3. you (not) like to come home late, you? 4. they like their new flat? 5. you promise to help me? 6. my grandmother (not) work now. she keep house? 7. you often go to the library? 8. i (not) know his new address. 9. they (not) visit their friends every weekend. it often rain in spain? 11.your watch (not) tell the right time, it? 12.they (not) often go to the theatre.

Английский язык


1. doesn't 2. does 3. don't, do 4. do 5. do 6. doesn't, does 7. do 8. don't 9. don't 10. does 11. doesn't, does 12. don't
My new year new year i celebrate on the first of january. every time i prepare for new year. it`s pretty awful. i decorate new year`s spruce with beautiful toys. toys were makes our hands are especially beautiful. my younger for other cut many paper snowflakes and we hand them in our flat together. i make or buy different presents for my friends and family and relatives. i`m fond of to be given presents. especially, i enjoy many sweets. also i like to make holiday dishes. i can`t cook very well, but i always help my mum to cook a holiday dishes, that`s why i know how to cook certain thing`s. i can make "herring under fur" and another salad called "the cheese paradise" and some other salads, for example. for this holiday we usually do several salads and sometimes we have a roasted chicken, too. once more, i when my mother does my favourite cake "miracle". at 11: 30 we seat at the table and talk. at the midnight we listen to the rings of the clock and to the congratulatory speech of the president. then we drink the champagne and eat delicious dishes. further we exchange presents which we make for each other. on the eve of morning we go to bed. new year is the most magic holiday that`s why i like it. новый год мы празднуем 1-го января. каждый раз я готовлюсь к новому году. это довольно беспокойно. я украшаю новогоднюю елку красивыми игрушками. игрушки, сделанные своими руками, особенно красивы. мой младший брат вырезает много бумажных снежинок, и мы вместе вешаем их по всей квартире. я делаю разные подарки для моей семьи, друзей и родственников. я люблю, когда мне дарят подарки. особенно, я люблю, когда у меня много конфет. также я люблю делать праздничные блюда. я не хорошо готовлю, но я всегда маме готовить праздничный обед, поэтому я знаю, как готовятся некоторые блюда. например, я умею готовить салаты" селедка под шубой", "сырный рай" и "оливье" и несколько других салатов. в новый год у нас обычно несколько салатов и иногда у нас бывает жареная курица. еще я люблю, когда моя мама делает мой любимый торт "чудо". в 11: 30 часов вечера мы садимся за стол и разговариваем. в полночь слушаем бой курантов и поздравления президента. затем мы пьем шампанское и едим вкусности. после мы обмениваемся подарками, приготовленными друг для друга. под утро мы ложимся спать. новый год - самый волшебный праздник, поэтому я его люблю!
Rustam minnikhanov born on march 1, 1957 in with. new arysh fish and sloboda district of the tatar assr. education: in 1978 he graduated from kazan agricultural institute, specialty "mechanization of agriculture", qualification "mechanical engineer", kazan in 1986 he graduated from the institute of soviet trade, specialty "commodity and organization of trade in food products," qualification "commodity expert of higher qualification", moscow professional experience: in 1978-80. - engineering diagnostics sabinsky district association "agriculture". in 1980-83. - senior power engineer, chief power sabinsky timber industry. in 1983-85. - deputy. chairman of the board sabinsky raipo. in 1985-90. - chairman of the board arsky consumer society in 1990-92. - chairman of the arsk district executive committee in 1992-93. - first deputy. head of administration arsk district. in 1993-96. - the head of administration vysokogorsky area. in 1996-98. - minister of finance of the republic of tatarstan. in 1998, he headed the government of the republic of tatarstan. since march 25, 2010 - the president of the republic of tatarstan. on march 24, 2015 - acting president of the republic of tatarstan. on september 18, 2015 - the president of the republic of tatarstan. degree: doctor of economics (2003). state awards: order of friendship (2002.); order "for services to the fatherland» iv degree (2007). order "for merit of the republic of tatarstan" (2007.); medal "in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of st. petersburg" (2003.); medal "in commemoration of the 1000th anniversary of kazan" (2005.); medal "in commemoration of production 3 billionth ton of oil in tatarstan" (2007.); thanks the president of the russian federation (2008).; laureate of the russian federation in the field of science and technology (2009).; diploma of the president of the russian federation (2009); diploma of the government of the russian federation (2010); thanks the president of the russian federation (2012); thanks the government of the russian federation (2012, 2013); order of merit ( she married with a son. he is fond of motor racing. honored master of sports.

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Вставьте правильный глагол: 1. she (not) study japanese. 2. your father smoke? 3. you (not) like to come home late, you? 4. they like their new flat? 5. you promise to help me? 6. my grandmother (not) work now. she keep house? 7. you often go to the library? 8. i (not) know his new address. 9. they (not) visit their friends every weekend. it often rain in spain? 11.your watch (not) tell the right time, it? 12.they (not) often go to the theatre.
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