
6. choose 3 true sentences about stephen hawking. 1. he has never won the nobel prize. 2. he isn’t an atheist. 3. when he was at university, he used to devote an hour a day to his studies. 4. he has 3 siblings. 5. his second wife was a university professor. 6. he has never written books for children. 7. choose three words that refer to theatre. 1) stalls 2) a scriptwriter 3) subtitles 4) a stage 5) a cameraman 6) rehearsal 8. choose three grammatically correct sentences. 1. what does he look for? – he is short but handsome. 2. they are leaving for madrid tomorrow evening. 3. london is visited by millions of tourists every year. 4. have you done the shopping yet? 5. she has always been more taller than me. 6. call me as soon as you will finish your homework. 9. which three of these words do we use when we describe one’s figure/ built? 1) fair 2) long 3) slim 4) stout 5) well-built 6) shoulder-length 10. choose three pairs of synonyms. 1) pretty – gorgeous 2) uncertain – sure 3) hard – creative 4) light – heavy 5) new – recent 6) old – ancient

Английский язык


6. я ничего не знаю про стивена хоукина 7. 2)4)6) 8. 2)3)4) 9. 3)4)5) 10. 1`)5)6)
Канапе - небольшие закуски перед обедом (ужином). на основу из хлеба или печенья выкладываются нарезанные продукты и украшение. основа должна быть тонкой и обычно делается из белого или черного хлеба, который слегка обжаривается. основу можно нарезать на разные формы: квадратные прямоугольники, треугольники, ромбы, звездочки, круглые, овальные или полоски. эти закуски на шпажках. это hors-d'oeuvres на палочках пальцев. на основу наносится паста, а сверху -украшение. канапе должны быть небольшими, рассчитанными на один-два укуса. они должны быть подготовлены в день подачи и поданы на привлекательных тарелках (дальше непонятно из-за ошибки). подходящие для канапе основы: хлеб (белый, черный, ржаной), несладкоепеченье, хрустящие хлебцы или рисовые вафли.подготовка канапе    1. срежьте корку с трех сторон булки вчерашнего белого или черного хлеба. 2. нарежьте хлеб вдоль, чтобы получить длинные полоски хлеба. подрумяньте их на сковороде без масла и намажьте на них сливочное масло или слегка  обжарьте с минимальным количеством сливочного масла . 3. когда основа остынет, намажьте на нее спред и добавьте такие продукты, как икру, сардины, устрицы, копченый лосось, ветчину, омары, холодное мясо, паштеты, птицу, креветки, помидор, спаржу, артишоки или любую комбинацию продуктов. 4. украсьте канапе. для украшения можно использовать сливочное масло, оливки, маринованный лук, огурец, редис, грецкие орехи, яйца вкрутую вкрутую и ломтики  лимона либо апельсина. сочетание продуктов ограничено только вашим воображением. 5. поместите канапе в холодильник для охлаждения. 6. нарежьте канапе на требуемые формы, согласно украшению.
1. i (wanted) to read something on the plane but i (had not packed) my book. 2. she (wanted) to buy a bag she (had seen) the day before. 3. when i (arrived) at the airport i realized i (had missed) my plane. 4. when i (saw) the exam question i realized i (had not studied) enough. 5. when i (had eaten) my breakfast, i (felt) better. 6. as soon as i (had closed) the door i remembered i (had left) my keys inside. 7. when she (tried) to pay for something in the shop, she realized she (had forgotten) her credit card. 8. hardly (had we left) town, when it (bigan) to rain. 9. he (closed) the window then he (sat) in his armchair, reading a newspaper. 10. i (saw) you from the bus yesterday. 11. the house was very quiet when i got home. everybody had gone to bed. 12. i felt very tired when i got home, so i went straight to bed. 13. sorry i am late. the car broke down on my way here. 14. there was a car by the side of the road. it (had broken) down and the driver was trying to repair it. so we (stopped) to help him.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

6. choose 3 true sentences about stephen hawking. 1. he has never won the nobel prize. 2. he isn’t an atheist. 3. when he was at university, he used to devote an hour a day to his studies. 4. he has 3 siblings. 5. his second wife was a university professor. 6. he has never written books for children. 7. choose three words that refer to theatre. 1) stalls 2) a scriptwriter 3) subtitles 4) a stage 5) a cameraman 6) rehearsal 8. choose three grammatically correct sentences. 1. what does he look for? – he is short but handsome. 2. they are leaving for madrid tomorrow evening. 3. london is visited by millions of tourists every year. 4. have you done the shopping yet? 5. she has always been more taller than me. 6. call me as soon as you will finish your homework. 9. which three of these words do we use when we describe one’s figure/ built? 1) fair 2) long 3) slim 4) stout 5) well-built 6) shoulder-length 10. choose three pairs of synonyms. 1) pretty – gorgeous 2) uncertain – sure 3) hard – creative 4) light – heavy 5) new – recent 6) old – ancient
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