
Переведите, ! 1 many old castles used to have torture chambers. 2 as the wind blew the leaves made a rustling sound. 3 the kraken would create a dull whirlpool to pull ships down to the bottom of the sea. 4 cubist paintings often have violent colours. 5 every culture has stories of mythical creatures. 6 nessie could be a dinosaur that somehow survived. 7 we caught a glimpse of a weird-looking creature hiding in the bushes. 8 sightingsof strange creatures have been reported by people all over the world. 9 people who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical illusion. 10 nessie has a long neck and a humped back.

Английский язык


1) во многих старинных замках были камеры пыток 2) когда дул ветер листья шелестели 3) кракен создавал водоворот, который тянул корабли на дно. 4) картины кубистов часто написаны "вызывающими" цветами. 5) в каждой культуре есть о мистических существах. 6) несси может быть динозавром, который каким-то образом выжил. 7) мы мельком заметили странное существо, прятавшееся в кустах 8) ( sightingsof эмм, а оно точно правильно написано? ) странные существа, о которых люди сообщали со всего света.9) люди, которые видят одну картинку внутри другой испытывают влияние оптической иллюзии10) у несси длинная шея и горбатая спина
1) i want to go.  where do you want to go? 2) jan went home.  what time did jan go home? 3) i broke the window.  how did you break the window? 4) i need some money.  how much money do you need? 5) i asked somebody for money.  who   did   you     ask   for money? 6) somebody asked me for money.  who asked you  for money?   7)  somebody telephoned me yesterday.  who telephoned me yesterday?   8) i    telephoned  somebody  yesterday.  whom did you telephone yesterday? 9) i like music.  what kind of music do you like? 10) this word means something.  what does this word mean?
1numerous analyses of the microbial make-up of plaque in subjects of different caries experience have revealed a correlation between the presence of streptococci mutans and caries. 2. when an adjacent tooth has been extracted for other reasons, direct access is possible. 3. from the middle of the 17th century, gutta percha has been recommended for all sorts of uses. 4. it  has been  used  in dentistry for over 130 years, as a temporary restorative, an impression material, or as a root canal filling material.

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Переведите, ! 1 many old castles used to have torture chambers. 2 as the wind blew the leaves made a rustling sound. 3 the kraken would create a dull whirlpool to pull ships down to the bottom of the sea. 4 cubist paintings often have violent colours. 5 every culture has stories of mythical creatures. 6 nessie could be a dinosaur that somehow survived. 7 we caught a glimpse of a weird-looking creature hiding in the bushes. 8 sightingsof strange creatures have been reported by people all over the world. 9 people who see one picture inside another are experiencing an optical illusion. 10 nessie has a long neck and a humped back.
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