
Сократите текст на пересказ, (что бы он был как можно меньше), прошу the printed word the earliest books were written on tablets of wood or pieces of bark. in greeceand rome, the tablets of wood were covered with wax, and writing was impressed upon them with a small stick called “stylus”. these tablets were held together on one side with thin strips of leather or metal rings. in assyria and babyloniaclay tablets were used for writing and the words were drawn with a piece of wood. after baking, the tablets were kept on shelves, just like books are kept today. although the clay tablets didn’t look very beautiful, they were long-lasting and some of them survived until the present day. the earliest books of the ancient world were written on papyrus and skins of young animals. these books took the form of a long strip, rolled from one cylinder to another. these writings were known to the romans as volumen from which comes the word volume. though paper has been known inchina since the first century, the secret of papermaking came toeurope much later. books were quite common in ancientrome: we know that there were many booksellers and the first public library was founded there about 39 b. c. only the rich could buy books or make their slaves copy books from important libraries. by the time of the middle ages all books were handwriting and often beautifully decorated. libraries used to chain books to the shelves so that they could not be removed from the building. but very few people could read them. the invention of printing was a really great event in history. the first people to invent printing were the chinese. ineuropethere were several people who can be called inventors of printing. the best-known is johann gutenberg fromgermany. printing spread quickly over europeand by the end of the 15th century there were more than 200 presses. the early printers were not only craftsmen, but also editors, publishers and booksellers. the first printing press inengland was set up by william caxton atwestminster in 1476, and the first printing press inrussia – by ivan fedorov inmoscow in 1564. printed books soon reached a very high standard and the craftsmen were rightfully proud of their work. eventually there were more and more people ineurope who could read and they wanted more and more books. that led to opening more libraries. early libraries were used only by scientists and were few. by end by they grew in number and began to be used by the public. the 19th century saw the appearance of a proper system of public libraries. now most countries have their own national libraries. many old university libraries have rich collections of books: oxford and cambridge in england, harvard and yale in the united states. among the great libraries of the world we can name the british museum library (the british library) in london, the library of congress in the united states, bibliotheque nationale in france, the beijing library in china , the state public library in moscow. the world’s largest is the us library of congress. it holds about 90 million items – books and manuscripts. the library was founded in 1800 in washington, dc for the use of congress and later became a public library. bibliotheque nationale dates back to the 17th century and the british museum library was set in the 18th century. the state public library inmoscow was founded in 1862 and has unique collections of books. modern libraries do their best to help people get information as quickly as possible. they use computers and electronic catalogues. probably the most difficult problem for any library is to keep their books, journals and films. how they do it is a new story.

Английский язык



the first books were wooden. they were made in rome. romans wrote on them using “stylus”. thin strips of leather or metal rings were used to hold them together. once the book-making process was finished, they were put on the bookshelf. they lasted for a very long time. even today we can read some of them. also, papyrus and skins of young animals was used to make books. 

papermaking was known for a long time in china, but came later to europe. books were very common in ancient rome. they were even beautifully decorated. 

thanks to the invention of printing many people could also read books. before it was difficult to distribute many books like that. printing became very popular. it spread throughout europe. 

before libraries were used only by scientists. there weren’t many libraries and it was difficult to access them. later public libraries finally appeared, and they became much more accessible. now many universities and countries have their own libraries that hold very old books. 

modern libraries are not much more efficient. they are much more advanced and use technology.  

The announcement   youth club eco-saturday is aranging the campaign "clean park at the nearest weekend. we invite the students of 5-11 forms. beginning at 11 a.m. form of clothing is working. each students need to have a rake or a shovel, broom or a broom. we plan to collect the trash, sweep the paths and dig up the ground for flower beds.объявление молодежный клуб эко-суббота в эти выходные проводит акцию "чистый парк". мы приглашаем учеников 5-11 классов.  начало в 11 утра.   форма одежда рабочая.   каждому ученику необходимо иметь грабли или лопату, веник или метлу.  мы планируем собрать мусор, подмести дорожки и вскопать землю для цветочных клумб. 
Anastasiya Yevseeva948
Iwant to be a programmer. nowadays the profession of a computer programmer is very important. every office, every organization has got computers and other device which should be managed. we cannot imagine our life without computers and the internet. millions of people around the world use the internet  every day to look for useful information. internet is a huge base of data and knowledge, where you can find any thing you want for your work or other can find any information, download the required documents, video films, books. email is one of the advantages of the internet. this online service is cheaper than regular mail, and it works much faster.   you never lose touch with loved ones, wherever they are using such mean of communication. that is why we need qualified specialists, who are able to customize well-known programmes, to develop new programmes, to prevent any damage of device and, of course, to avoid any mistakes in connecting to the internet. now many institutions and universities in all countries prepare specialists we call as programmers. therre some important subjects for my future job/ they are maths, english and information technology. i must study hard.

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Сократите текст на пересказ, (что бы он был как можно меньше), прошу the printed word the earliest books were written on tablets of wood or pieces of bark. in greeceand rome, the tablets of wood were covered with wax, and writing was impressed upon them with a small stick called “stylus”. these tablets were held together on one side with thin strips of leather or metal rings. in assyria and babyloniaclay tablets were used for writing and the words were drawn with a piece of wood. after baking, the tablets were kept on shelves, just like books are kept today. although the clay tablets didn’t look very beautiful, they were long-lasting and some of them survived until the present day. the earliest books of the ancient world were written on papyrus and skins of young animals. these books took the form of a long strip, rolled from one cylinder to another. these writings were known to the romans as volumen from which comes the word volume. though paper has been known inchina since the first century, the secret of papermaking came toeurope much later. books were quite common in ancientrome: we know that there were many booksellers and the first public library was founded there about 39 b. c. only the rich could buy books or make their slaves copy books from important libraries. by the time of the middle ages all books were handwriting and often beautifully decorated. libraries used to chain books to the shelves so that they could not be removed from the building. but very few people could read them. the invention of printing was a really great event in history. the first people to invent printing were the chinese. ineuropethere were several people who can be called inventors of printing. the best-known is johann gutenberg fromgermany. printing spread quickly over europeand by the end of the 15th century there were more than 200 presses. the early printers were not only craftsmen, but also editors, publishers and booksellers. the first printing press inengland was set up by william caxton atwestminster in 1476, and the first printing press inrussia – by ivan fedorov inmoscow in 1564. printed books soon reached a very high standard and the craftsmen were rightfully proud of their work. eventually there were more and more people ineurope who could read and they wanted more and more books. that led to opening more libraries. early libraries were used only by scientists and were few. by end by they grew in number and began to be used by the public. the 19th century saw the appearance of a proper system of public libraries. now most countries have their own national libraries. many old university libraries have rich collections of books: oxford and cambridge in england, harvard and yale in the united states. among the great libraries of the world we can name the british museum library (the british library) in london, the library of congress in the united states, bibliotheque nationale in france, the beijing library in china , the state public library in moscow. the world’s largest is the us library of congress. it holds about 90 million items – books and manuscripts. the library was founded in 1800 in washington, dc for the use of congress and later became a public library. bibliotheque nationale dates back to the 17th century and the british museum library was set in the 18th century. the state public library inmoscow was founded in 1862 and has unique collections of books. modern libraries do their best to help people get information as quickly as possible. they use computers and electronic catalogues. probably the most difficult problem for any library is to keep their books, journals and films. how they do it is a new story.
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