i did not take temporary editorship of an agricultural paper without misgivings. neither would a landsman take command of a ship without misgivings. but i was in circumstances that made the salary an object. the regular editor of the paper was going off for a holiday, and i accepted the terms he offered, and took his place.
the sensation of being at work again was luxurious, and i wrought all the week with unflagging pleasure. we went to press, and i waited a day with some solicitude to see whether my effort was going to attract any notice. as i left the office, toward sundown, a group of men and boys at the foot of the stairs dispersed with one impulse, and gave me passageway, and i heard one or two of them say: "that's him! " i was naturally pleased by this incident. the next morning i found a similar group at the foot of the stairs, and scattering couples and individuals standing here and there in the street and over the way, watching me with interest. the group separated and fell back as i approached, and i heard a man say, "look at his eye! " i pretended not to observe the notice i was attracting, but secretly i was pleased with it, and was purposing to write an account of it to my aunt. i went up the short flight of stairs, and heard cheery voices and a ringing laugh as i drew near the door, which i opened, and caught a glimpse of two young rural-looking men, whose faces blanched and lengthened when they saw me, and then they both plunged through the window with a great crash. i was surprised.
in about half an hour an old gentleman, with a flowing beard and a fine but rather austere face, entered, and sat down at my invitation. he seemed to have something on his mind. he took off his hat and set it on the floor, and got out of it a red silk handkerchief and a copy of our paper.
Mr g : which is the best time to visit spain? t agent : it depends: if you like hot weather, you can go there in summer, but if you prefer warm weather, i advise you to visit spain in early spring or late autumn. mr g : isn't the weather changeable in autumn? i hear that one day can be sunny and another day can be rainy. t agent: not quite so. october is a very pleasant month in spain with a daily temperature of about 18-20. though it can be misty in the morning so you have to be careful if you are going to drive. i don't think there will be any rainstorms or thunderstorms mr g: i hope not. so i won't need to take my raincoat and umbrella. t agent: definitely not. i'm sure you'll have a good time in spain.
1)я хочу рассказать про страну своей мечты. это удивительная страна, где нет зла и печали, потому что там живут только добрые люди. страна называется wonderляндия. она похожа на все остальные страны, только эта страна намного успешней других из-за богатых природных ресурсов. люди в ней добрые, не знающие, что такое зло. они любят свою страну, и поэтому содержат ее в чистоте. wondеrляндия не велика, в ней живет всего 3 миллиона человек, но слава об этой стране идет по всему миру. здесь самые талантливые звезды, художники, изобретатели, здесь никто не бывает бездельником. 2)в страну своей мечты,япоеду на каникулах. как вы думаете,зачем нужны каникулы? каникулы нужны, чтобы отдохнуть от учебы, от работы,от садика и т.д. каникулы нужны,чтобы поехать в разные путешествия, побывать в разных чудесах. но жалко, что каникулы мало, и на каникулах не так много отдохнешь. но всё равно тем, кто создал эти каникулы!
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How i edited an agricultural paper, mark twain, надо написать краткий пересказ текста, народ, надо !
i did not take temporary editorship of an agricultural paper without misgivings. neither would a landsman take command of a ship without misgivings. but i was in circumstances that made the salary an object. the regular editor of the paper was going off for a holiday, and i accepted the terms he offered, and took his place.
the sensation of being at work again was luxurious, and i wrought all the week with unflagging pleasure. we went to press, and i waited a day with some solicitude to see whether my effort was going to attract any notice. as i left the office, toward sundown, a group of men and boys at the foot of the stairs dispersed with one impulse, and gave me passageway, and i heard one or two of them say: "that's him! " i was naturally pleased by this incident. the next morning i found a similar group at the foot of the stairs, and scattering couples and individuals standing here and there in the street and over the way, watching me with interest. the group separated and fell back as i approached, and i heard a man say, "look at his eye! " i pretended not to observe the notice i was attracting, but secretly i was pleased with it, and was purposing to write an account of it to my aunt. i went up the short flight of stairs, and heard cheery voices and a ringing laugh as i drew near the door, which i opened, and caught a glimpse of two young rural-looking men, whose faces blanched and lengthened when they saw me, and then they both plunged through the window with a great crash. i was surprised.
in about half an hour an old gentleman, with a flowing beard and a fine but rather austere face, entered, and sat down at my invitation. he seemed to have something on his mind. he took off his hat and set it on the floor, and got out of it a red silk handkerchief and a copy of our paper.