
20 пунктов. точно! ! нужно составить несколько предложений на на тему"чем полезно хобби" ( все хобби в целом с переводом, только без на уровне 6 класса. что то типо этого: с хобби можно узнать много нового. найти много новых друзей. провести своё свободное время с пользой, расслабиться.

Английский язык


Ahobby is something that you enjoy doing in your free time i think that the hobbies help you not to waste your spare time doing nothing. most people choose and hold it to their liking. most popular hobbies: collecting things making things playing computer games sport reading etc.



Тостовый квадратный хлеб – 2 кусочка;

Масло сливочное – 25 грамм;

Твердый сыр – 25 грамм;

Ветчина – 1 кусок;

Лист салата;

Куриное яйцо.

приготовления французского сэндвича:

Хлеб поджариваем на оливковом масле на сковородке;

Когда одна сторона подрумянется, переворачиваем хлеб на другую сторону;

На поджаренный хлеб кладем кусок маска и сыра и закрываем сковороду крышкой на минуту, чтобы сыр мог расплавиться;

Затем выкладываем ветчину и салат, закрываем вторым поджаренным кусочком;

Через полминутки бутерброд можно снимать с огня;

Для крок-мадам следует поджарить яйцо-глазунью и выложить ее сверху на тост.


Cold Heart


Cold heart

Probably, every child in childhood is interested in watching cartoons even more than reading fairy tales and poems. An incredible variety of various cartoons have been created in the world. They differ in genres, plots, country of origin. But each cartoon is unique and inimitable. Every cartoon has a meaning. If he is good, he conveys a certain idea to the viewer.

There was a man like Walt Disney. He was a cartoonist. He has suffered many unsuccessful attempts on the road to success. But in the end he managed to create his own cartoon company. It was this man who invented Mickey Mouse.

My favorite cartoon is Frozen, which was released in 2013 by Disney.

The main characters of this cartoon are two princesses. They are sisters. And one of them has the magical ability to turn everything into ice. Her name is Elsa. The younger sister's name is Anna and unlike Elsa, she has a cheerful character. This girl is smiling, sweet, kind, loves to have fun and is not afraid of anything. By the way, her appearance states this well, because she has red hair. Elsa is somewhat similar to the snow queen. True, the girl is distinguished from her by kindness, modesty and fear of harming others.

Once in her childhood, while playing, Elsa inadvertently injured her sister. She could have died, but fortunately, everything worked out. Now the older sister was forced to sit in captivity of her own free will, so as not to harm others.

One day, the parents of the princesses go on a trip on business and are killed in a storm. Now Elsa must become a queen, and she carefully prepares for this. She should not touch anything with her bare hands, otherwise it will freeze. And then a misfortune happens that hit the whole country like a hurricane ...

The events of the cartoon unfold in such a way that the little sister will again face trouble, but thanks to her sister's love, she will be able to survive and live happily again.

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20 пунктов. точно! ! нужно составить несколько предложений на на тему"чем полезно хобби" ( все хобби в целом с переводом, только без на уровне 6 класса. что то типо этого: с хобби можно узнать много нового. найти много новых друзей. провести своё свободное время с пользой, расслабиться.
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