
Надо перевести текст на язык: new york city is geographically the largest and most populated sea port city in the usa and is known for its history as a gateway for immigration to the united states and also for its status as a financial, cultural, transportation and manufacturing centre. new york was inhabited by native american groups at the time the dutch colonized manhattan areas in 1624.the british took over for manhattan and the colony by annexation two years later. the statue of liberty, a gift of france to the united states, was inaugurated on ellis island in the new york harbor ictober 28, 1886. прошу вас

Английский язык


Нью-йорк є ічно найбільший і населений морський порт міста в сша і відомий своєю історією в якості шлюзу для імміграції в сша, а також для його статусу як фінансової, культурної, транспорту і виробничий центр. нью-йорк був заселений індіанськими групами на час голландський колонізували манхеттен області, в 1624.the британський взяв на манхеттен і колонії анексії два роки опісля. статуя свободи, подарунок франції в сша, був відкритий острів елліс в нью-йоркській гавані ictober 28,1886.
Джамалутдинова Докучаев
Нью-йорк - самый большой и самый населенный морской портовый город в сша и известен его как ворота для иммиграции в соединенные штаты и также для его статуса как финансовое, культурное, транспортировка и производящий центр. нью-йорк населялся индейскими группами в это время голландские колонизированные области на манхэттене в 1624. британцы вступили во владение для манхэттена и колонии аннексией два года спустя. статуя свободы, подарок франции в соединенные штаты, была открыта на остров эллис в нью-йоркском ictober 28,1886 гавани
Sushi and i want to do with the first thing tomorrow night and i think you could get it done with my phone to be in the morning so i have no idea why is that i have no clue who was the first time that you have any.wh you can get the first time that a good idea.i have to say i don't.h you have any idea why .h as well as the first time i.i think you could be.u know what i can.g and i think you.u have no.h i want a-heh heh heh heh heh i'm gonna be there in about an old man and woman is a good night baby i have been the case of an emergency
Novikova Aleksandrovna
1. there are some new figures on my computer's display 2. it shows changes in the market 3. the prices for oil go up and prices for machinery go down 4. our company sells oil products 5. we buy machinery 6. there is my boss over the telephone. 7. he wants me to quote the changes in the oil and machinery prices 8. we decided to increase the volume of our transactions in oil and machinery 9. there are no changes in prices for food and drinks. 10. there are a few changes in prices for clothes and footwear.

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Надо перевести текст на язык: new york city is geographically the largest and most populated sea port city in the usa and is known for its history as a gateway for immigration to the united states and also for its status as a financial, cultural, transportation and manufacturing centre. new york was inhabited by native american groups at the time the dutch colonized manhattan areas in 1624.the british took over for manhattan and the colony by annexation two years later. the statue of liberty, a gift of france to the united states, was inaugurated on ellis island in the new york harbor ictober 28, 1886. прошу вас
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