Облако-cloud. мороз- the frost. солнечно- sunny. малооблачно- cloudy
Frosty мороз.sunny солнечно дальше не помню ведь я третий класс
Васильевичь Виктория457
1. several rivers run into the sea at new york. the most important is the hudson river which empties to the atlantic ocean. besides the hudson there are two other rivers: the east river and the harlem river.2. chicago is on lake michigan3. russia is washed by the arctic ocean4. kiev is to the south of moscow5. the philippines are situated to the southeast of asia6. the neva flows into the gulf of finland7. kazbek is the highest peak of the caucasus8. europe and america are separated by the atlantic ocean9. the nile flows across the northeastern part of africa to the mediterranean sea
1. several rivers run into the sea at new york. the most important is the hudson river which empties to the atlantic ocean. besides the hudson there are two other rivers: the east river and the harlem river.2. chicago is on lake michigan3. russia is washed by the arctic ocean4. kiev is to the south of moscow5. the philippines are situated to the southeast of asia6. the neva flows into the gulf of finland7. kazbek is the highest peak of the caucasus8. europe and america are separated by the atlantic ocean9. the nile flows across the northeastern part of africa to the mediterranean seaжелаю !