
6. переведите на язык текст: about libraries. there are many big and small libraries everywhere in our country. they have millions of books in different languages. you can find there the oldest and the newest books. every school has a library. pupils come to the library to take books on different subjects. the school library where oleg studies is good. it is a large clean room. there are four big windows in it. the walls are light blue. there are a lot of shelves full of books. you can find books on literature, physics, history, chemistry, geography, biology and other subjects. there are books in english, too. on the walls you can see pictures of some great writers and poets. on the table near the window you can always see beautiful spring and autumn flowers. oleg likes to go to the library. he can always find there something new, something he needs. books despite fears that the so-called electronic media — especially radio, television, and videos — might damage book publishing, the opposite seems to be true. book sales since the introduction of television have increased considerably, well beyond the increase in population. in fact, the u.s. leads in the number of books read per capita. these books range from the most recent best seller or biography to histories, gardening and cookbooks, or technical volumes and encyclopedias. several reasons have been offered to account for this fact. first, american schools have traditionally stressed and tried to develop a "love of reading, " to make it a habit. this general educational emphasis has been successful. one notes how many people are reading hooks — not only newspapers or magazines — in city buses, airports, during: lunch breaks, or on the beach. secondly, public libraries have always been very active in communities throughout the country. here, too, the general policy has been to get books to people rather than to protect the books from people. a favorite way of raising money for libraries is to have thousands of used books donated by the community and then to have a book sale ("any five for $11" the money made in this fashion goes to buy new books for the library. such popular community fund-raising activities also increase the feeling among people that the library is theirs. the third and probably most important reason is that there are no laws which protect book sellers or fix prices. anyone can sell new and used books at discount and sale prices, and just about everyone does. very early, books were sold every where, in drug stores and supermarkets, department stores and 24-hour shops, through book clubs and by colleges, as well as in regular book stores. many university book stores are student-owned and run. they operate on a nonprofit basis, that is, all profits go towards keeping the prices of books down, for paying the student employees, and often to support student scholarships and other financial aid. then, there are the large "paperback supermarkets* located in most shopping centers, which sell mainly paperback books on a variety of subjects. these, too, have done a great deal to keep the book trade healthy and growing. nationwide radio and television shows, new movies, and filmed versions of books have often helped to create spectacular book sales.

Английский язык


Обиблиотеках. есть много крупных и небольших библиотек везде в нашей стране. у них есть миллионы книг на различных языках. вы можете найти там самое старое и новейшие книги. у каждой школы есть библиотека. ученики приезжают в библиотеку, чтобы взять книги по различным предметам. школьная библиотека, где олег учится, хороша. это -большая чистая комната. есть четыре больших окна в нем. стены голубы. есть много полок, полных книг. вы можете найти книги по , , , , , биологии и другим предметам. есть книги на языке, также. на стенах вы видите картины некоторых великих писателей и поэтов. на столе около окна вы можете всегда видеть красивые весенние и осенние цветы. олегу нравится идти в библиотеку. он может всегда находить там что-то новое, что-то, в чем он нуждается. книги несмотря на страхи, что так называемые электронные сми — особенно радио, телевидение, и видео — могли бы повредить книгоиздание, противоположное, кажется, верны. книжные продажи начиная с введения телевидения увеличились значительно, хорошо вне увеличения населения. фактически, сша ведут в числе книг, прочитанных на душу населения. эти книги колеблются от нового бестселлера или биографии к , озеленению и поваренным книгам, или техническим объемам и энциклопедиям. несколько причин были предложены, чтобы составлять этот факт. во-первых, американские школы традиционно подчеркнули и попытались развить "любовь к чтению", сделать его привычкой. этот общий образовательный акцент был успешен. каждый отмечает, во время скольких люди читают крюки — не только газеты или журналы — в городских автобусах, аэропортах: обеденные перерывы, или на пляже. во-вторых, публичные библиотеки всегда были активны в сообществах по всей стране. здесь, также, общая политика должна была получить книги людям, а не защищать книги от людей. любимому способу собрать деньги для библиотек состояло в том, чтобы пожертвовать тысячи подержанных книг сообщество и затем иметь книжную продажу ("любые пять за 11$"). деньги, сделанные этим способом, идут, чтобы купить новые книги для библиотеки. такие популярные действия сбора средств сообщества также увеличивают чувство среди людей, что библиотека их. третье и вероятно самая важная причина состоит в том, что нет никаких законов, которые защищают книжных продавцов или устанавливают цены. любой может продать новые и подержанные книги со скидкой и отпускными ценами, и примерно все делают. рано книги были проданы каждый где, в аптеках и супермаркетах, универмагах и 24-часовых магазинах, через книжные клубы и колледжами, а также в регулярных книжных магазинах. много университетских книжных магазинов студенческие и работают. они работают на некоммерческой основе, то есть, вся прибыль идет к подавлению цен книг для оплаты студенческих сотрудников, и часто поддерживать студенческие стипендии и другую финансовую . затем есть крупные "супермаркеты книги в мягкой обложке* расположены в большинстве торговых центров, которые , главным образом, книги книги в мягкой обложке по множеству предметов. они, также, сделали много, чтобы сохранять книжную торговлю здоровой и растущей. общенациональное радио и телешоу, новые фильмы и снятые версии книг часто создать захватывающие книжные продажи.

yesterday i went with my friend to the cinema. we watched the legend number 17. it's about world famous hockey player valerykharlamov. the film was really exciting, we were supporting the main character if he was real. the play of all actors was wonderful. i couldn't think about anything except the film. the main part in the film was given to the famous hockey match between canada and russia. i know how it was and who won. however, i wascompletelyabsorbed bythe game. emotions of heroes, their suffering and the wish to win were shown very truely. also i was impressed by love story, which was shown in the film. the developing of heroes' relationships, magic between them - all was sentimentalandheartfelt.

all in all, i think, that it's really good film. the main plot is really close to the trueth, excepta couple of episodesthat have been inventedby directorto make the moviemore interesting. i think this film will be interesting for everyone.


i. 1. who takes care of you when you are ill? 2. how many students have taken part in sport competition? 3. we will discuss the issue tomorrow. 4. she isn't reading a book,she is watching tv. was raining on last sunday, was not it? 6. they will not work for the whole day. 7. i've seen this film several times. 8. we have been doing our task for wednesday. 9. i wouldn't have read this book for the end of the week.


ii.1. наряду с сильной верой в образование также появились значительные недоверия. 2.возрастающая эксплуатация земли выражается в потере драгоценных природных территорий(земель).

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6. переведите на язык текст: about libraries. there are many big and small libraries everywhere in our country. they have millions of books in different languages. you can find there the oldest and the newest books. every school has a library. pupils come to the library to take books on different subjects. the school library where oleg studies is good. it is a large clean room. there are four big windows in it. the walls are light blue. there are a lot of shelves full of books. you can find books on literature, physics, history, chemistry, geography, biology and other subjects. there are books in english, too. on the walls you can see pictures of some great writers and poets. on the table near the window you can always see beautiful spring and autumn flowers. oleg likes to go to the library. he can always find there something new, something he needs. books despite fears that the so-called electronic media — especially radio, television, and videos — might damage book publishing, the opposite seems to be true. book sales since the introduction of television have increased considerably, well beyond the increase in population. in fact, the u.s. leads in the number of books read per capita. these books range from the most recent best seller or biography to histories, gardening and cookbooks, or technical volumes and encyclopedias. several reasons have been offered to account for this fact. first, american schools have traditionally stressed and tried to develop a "love of reading, " to make it a habit. this general educational emphasis has been successful. one notes how many people are reading hooks — not only newspapers or magazines — in city buses, airports, during: lunch breaks, or on the beach. secondly, public libraries have always been very active in communities throughout the country. here, too, the general policy has been to get books to people rather than to protect the books from people. a favorite way of raising money for libraries is to have thousands of used books donated by the community and then to have a book sale ("any five for $11" the money made in this fashion goes to buy new books for the library. such popular community fund-raising activities also increase the feeling among people that the library is theirs. the third and probably most important reason is that there are no laws which protect book sellers or fix prices. anyone can sell new and used books at discount and sale prices, and just about everyone does. very early, books were sold every where, in drug stores and supermarkets, department stores and 24-hour shops, through book clubs and by colleges, as well as in regular book stores. many university book stores are student-owned and run. they operate on a nonprofit basis, that is, all profits go towards keeping the prices of books down, for paying the student employees, and often to support student scholarships and other financial aid. then, there are the large "paperback supermarkets* located in most shopping centers, which sell mainly paperback books on a variety of subjects. these, too, have done a great deal to keep the book trade healthy and growing. nationwide radio and television shows, new movies, and filmed versions of books have often helped to create spectacular book sales.
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