
1)do you think usually get what you want in an argument? ? 2)do you aver try to find a compromise to please you both? ?

Английский язык


Ithink that this is wrong, because the argument must be real facts, not lies. 2) does not make any compromises i do not expect from others. everyone will tell me your personal opinion, but not so.
Summer holidays   summer holidays are the longest holidays. i like them very much!           in june i went to the  seaside with my parents. the water in the black sea  was very warm. we swam and  sunbathed.  there were different kinds of entertainments there. best of all i liked water scooters  and discos. we also  played volleyball on the beach and  made sculptures of sand.              then i spent two weeks in the summer camp. i made a lot of new friends. every day we enjoyed something special - games, competitions, performances. there was no river,  but there was a swimming pool where we could swim.  we had discos every night.  it was a real fun.     in august i  visited my grandparents.  there i enjoyed fresh air  and helped  my grandparents  to dig the garden, to gather fruit and vegetables. i went fishing with my grandfather.    during my summer holidays i made new friends, read a lot of interesting books, knew many useful things.
Ispend my summer holidays at my granny’s. there are many things there to do. what i did most of the time - i swam in the sea and sunbathed. sometimes i made a fire with my friends at the seaside and cooked potatoes there. it was wonderful. we told anecdotes to each other, and did everything we wanted. i also got used to walk alone in the forest.перевод я провожу летние каникулы у моей бабули. там есть чем заняться. большую часть времени я плавал в море и загорал. иногда я разжигал с друзьями костер на берегу и мы пекли в нем картошку. это было замечательно. мы рассказывали друг другу анекдоты, и делали все, что хотели. а еще я часто ходил один в лес. 

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1)do you think usually get what you want in an argument? ? 2)do you aver try to find a compromise to please you both? ?
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