
Составить предложения со словом in former days

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In former days there was no gadget

Читаем текст: Вода, вода, везде! Быстро. Что насчет?

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Более 7000 человек были эвакуированы из своих домов в семи регионах Казахстана в апреле 2017 года из-за наводнения 1___. Также были значительные наводнения в 2010, 2014 и 2015 годах.

Предупреждения о погоде

2 Местоположение Казахстана в сочетании с его климатом означает, что здесь много снега зимой и солнечно летом. Причиной повторяющихся паводков является таяние зимних снегопадов, вызванное резким повышением температуры или проливным дождем. Иногда экстремальные погодные условия, такие как волны тепла, могут привести к таким бедствиям, как оползни. 3 Жамбылская, Карагандинская, Костанайская и Северо-Казахстанская области относятся к числу регионов, которые испытали наводнения. Акмолинская, Актобе, Восточно-Казахстанская, Жамбылская, Карагандинская, Костанайская и Северо-Казахстанская области - это регионы, которые испытали наводнения.

Ущерб от наводнения

Наводнение в Казахстане привело к многочисленным ранениям людей и гибели скота. кроме того, наводнением было нанесено множество жилых районов и домов людей. Некоторые дома из самана были полностью разрушены наводнениями и оползнями, в результате чего некоторые люди остались без крова. Некоторые люди уносили транспортные средства из-за наводнения и селей. 4 фактически ремонт дорог, мостов, линий электропередач и зданий обходится в миллиарды тенге.

Поиск решений

Теперь есть несколько решений, которые жителям Казахстана справиться с наводнениями. Например, после наводнения в 2010 году они построили плотину, чтобы остановить наводнение в столице Казахстана Нур-Султане, когда река Ишим выходит из берегов. 5___ Во время наводнений аварийные бригады тысячи голов скота, переезжая. их на возвышенность вдали от паводковых вод. Все эти усилия защитить народ Казахстана от разрушений, вызванных этим стихийным бедствием.

Заполнить: эвакуация, оползень, плотина, (река) разрывы, аварийные бригады

Прочитай текст повторно. 5 предложений отсутствуют. Сопоставьте предложения (A-F) с пробелами (1-5). Есть одно дополнительное предложение:
В Казахстане наводнения - обычное дело.
В Казахстане от наводнений чаще всего страдают районы, расположенные вблизи рек и озер страны.
Кроме того, в некоторых районах используются насосы для откачки воды из домов и общественных зданий.
Однако это не первый случай, когда Казахстан пострадал от наводнения.
К сожалению, многие дома были полностью разрушены
Ремонт всех повреждений был чрезвычайно дорогим.

Следующее упражнение для вас - заполнить: повторяющиеся, крайние, резкие, высокие, мощные, естественные, движущиеся, общественные, аварийные, тяжелые, жилые, наводнения. Используйте заполненные фразы, чтобы рассказать о наводнении в Казахстане

now she had opinions of her own, and at supper she talked to sasha's parents, saying how difficult the lessons were at the schools, but that yet the classical education was better than a commercial one, since with a classical education all careers were open to one, such as being a doctor or an engineer.

sasha began going to the school. his mother departed to harkov to her sister's and did not return; his father used to go off every day to inspect cattle, and would often be away from home for three days together, and it seemed to olenka as though sasha was entirely abandoned, that he was superfluous, that he was being starved, and she carried him off to her lodge and fixed up for him a little room there.

and for six months sasha had lived in the lodge with her. every morning olenka came into his bedroom and found him fast asleep, sleeping noiselessly with his hand tucked under his cheek. she was sorry to wake him.

"sashenka," she would say sorrowfully, "get up, darling. it's time for school."

he would get up, dress and say his prayers, and then sit down to breakfast, drink three glasses of tea, and eat two large cracknels and a half a buttered roll. all this time he was hardly awake and a little ill-humoured in consequence.

"you don't quite know your fable, sashenka," olenka would say, looking at him as though he were about to set off on a long journey. "what a lot of trouble i have with you! you must work and do your best, darling, and obey your teachers."

"oh, do leave me alone! " sasha would say.

then he would go down the street to school, a little figure, wearing a big cap and carrying a satchel on his shoulder. olenka would follow him noiselessly.

"sashenka! " she would call after him, and she would shove into his hand a date or a caramel. when he reached the street where the school was, he would feel ashamed of being followed by a tall, stout woman, he would turn round and say:

"you'd better go home, auntie. i can go the rest of the way alone."

she would stand still and stare after him fixedly till he had disappeared at the school-gate.

ah, how she loved him! of her former ties not one had been so deep; never had her soul surrendered to any feeling so spontaneously, so disinterestedly, and so joyously as now that her maternal instincts were aroused. for this little boy with the dimples in his cheeks and the big school cap, she would have given her whole life, she would have given it with joy and tears of tenderness. why? who can tell why?

when she had seen the last of sasha, she returned home, contented and serene, overflowing with love; her face, which had grown younger during the last six months, smiled and beamed; people meeting her looked at her with pleasure.

"good-morning, olga semyonovna, darling. how are you, darling? "

"the lessons at the high school are very difficult now," she would relate at the market. "it's too much; in the first class yesterday they gave him a fable to learn by heart, and a latin translation and a problem. you know it's too much for a little chap."

and she would begin talking about the teachers, the lessons, and the school books, saying just what sasha said.

at three o'clock they had dinner together: in the evening they learned their lessons together and cried. when she put him to bed, she would stay a long time making the cross over him and murmuring a prayer; then she would go to bed and dream of that far-away misty future when sasha would finish his studies and become a doctor or an engineer, would have a big house of his own with horses and a carriage, would get married and have children. . she would fall asleep still thinking of the same thing, and tears would run down her cheeks from her closed eyes, while the black cat lay purring beside her: "mrr, mrr, mrr."

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Sergei Vitalevna