Our cat is time to cut sharp claws-нашей кошке пора подстригать острые когти; our dogs sharp claws -у нашей собаки острые когти.
Britten composed as a child and at the age of 12 began several years of study under the composer and teacher frank bridge. he later studied under john ireland and arthur benjamin at the royal college of music in london and, while there, composed the set of choral variations a boy was born (1933; revised, 1958). he then worked as a composer for the radio, theatre, and cinema, coming into close contact with the poet w.h. auden. in 1937 his variations on a theme of frank bridge, for string orchestra, won him international acclaim. from 1939 to 1942 he was in the united states, where his first work for the stage, the operetta paul bunyan (1941; libretto by auden), was performed. a commission by the koussevitzky foundation led to the composition of his opera peter grimes (1945; libretto by m. slater after george crabbe’s poem the borough), which placed britten in the forefront of 20th-century composers of opera. his later operas include the rape of lucretia (1946); the comic albert herring (1947); billy budd (1951; after herman melville); gloriana (1953; written for the coronation of queen elizabeth ii); the turn of the screw (1954; after henry james); a midsummer night’s dream (1960); owen wingrave (television, 1971); and death in venice (1973; after thomas mann). with the church parable curlew river (1964), his conception of musical theatre took a new direction, combining influences from the japanese noh theatre and english medieval religious drama. two other church parables, the burning fiery furnace (1966) and the prodigal son (1968), followed. an earlier church-pageant opera, noye’s fludde (1958), made use of one of the medieval chester mystery plays. the rape of lucretia marked the inception of the english opera group, with britten as artistic director, composer, and conductor
Excuse me, sir. What time is it? прощения, сэр. Который час?
I’m sorry. Can you repeat that? Простите, не могли бы Вы повторить?
What time is it? Который час?
Oh, I’m sorry. It’s nine thirty. О, простите. 9:30.
Do you understand everything in English? Вы всё понимаете по-английски?
Not everything, but most of it. Не всё, но бОльшую часть.
I understand it better when people speak slowly. Я понимаю лучше, когда люди говорят медленно.
It’s true that we sometimes speak fast. Это правда, что мы иногда говорим быстро.
But I think that you speak it very well! Но я считаю, что вы говорите на нём (английском) очень хорошо!
Did you learn it in school? Вы учили его (английский) в школе?
Yes. In Ukraine, we study English in school, Да, в Украине мы учим английский в школе,
but I also learned a lot by watching movies and TV shows, но я также много выучил, смотря фильмы и сериалы,
listening to music, and playing video games in English. слушая музыку и играя в видеоигры на английском.
Really? Which video games did you play? Правда? В какие видеоигры вы играли?
I loved Zelda and Pokemon. Мне очень нравились «Зельда» и «Покемон».
That’s a very fun way to learn a language! Это очень увлекательный изучения язык