
Переведите текст. geothermal energy. the power under our feet the deep regions of the earth are extremely hot, reaching tempera- tures in the molten interior of 2000°f or more. in most parts of the world, temperature increases gradually with depth-roughly 1.8 °f for every 100 feet. huge local hot spots exist sufficiently close to the sur- face to be of practical value. these hot spots, with temperatures of about 150 to 750 °f, are known as geothermal reservoirs. the energy in geothermal reservoirs consists of heat stored in rock and, to a smaller extent, in water or steam confined under pressure in rock fractures. to recover the energy, wells are drilled through the im- permeable layers above the reservoir and the trapped water and steam rush to the surface. most geothermal reservoirs lie in areas of recent volcanic activity and movements of the earth's crust. scientists believe that upheavals within the earth pushed hot molten and semisolid materials up from the interior creating local geothermal areas close to the surface. the heat behind this is the result of slow decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, deep within the earth. experts estimate that only five to ten per cent of all geo-thermal reservoirs contain dry steam. more common are wet steam fields with water superheated from 350 to 700 °f. when the pressure is relieved by drilling into the field, the superheated water flashes into a mixture of 20 per cent steam and the rest hot water. power generating stations utilizing wet steam are already in opera- tion in countries including italy, iceland, new zealand, japan and rus- sia.

Английский язык


Геотермальная энергия.власть под нашими ногами. в глубоких регионах земли они горячие, достигают температуры в расплавленном интерьере 2000 ° f или больше. в большинстве частей мира,   повышается температура постепенно, в глубинах, примерно  1,8 ° f на каждые 100 футов. огромные местные горячие точки существуют достаточно близко к поверхности, чтобы иметь практическое значение. эти горячие пятна, с температурой примерно 150 до 750 ° f, известны как геотермальные резервуары.энергия в геотермальных резервуаров состоит из тепла, которая  хранится в породе и, в меньшей степени, в воде, или паром замкнутом под давлением в скальных трещин. для восстановления энергии, бурение скважин через непроницаема слоев над резервуаром и остатки воды и пара бросаются на поверхности. большинство геотермальных резервуаров лежат в областях недавней вулканической деятельности и движений земной коры. ученые считают, что потрясения внутри земли толкнуло горячие расплавленные и полутвердые материалы по сравнению с внутренней создания местных геотермальных районах, близких к поверхности. тепло   является результатом медленного распада радиоактивных элементов, таких как уран и торий, глубоко под землей. по оценкам экспертов, только 9: 55 процентов всех геотермальных резервуаров содержать сухой пар. более распространенными являются влажные паровые поля с водой перегретого от 350 до 700 ° f. когда давление сброшено путем бурения в поле, перегретой воды мигает в смеси 20 процентов пар, а остальные горячей воды. силовые генерирующих станций, использующих влажный пар уже в режиме  работ  в странах, включая италию, исландии, новой зеландии, японии и россии.

It's no secret that the education systems in Russia and England are different.

To evaluate any education system, you need to study it in detail.

Schooling in England includes two modules:

Initial (PrimarySchool) - for children aged 4 to 11 years (up to 7 years - at the school for kids –NurserySchool, and from 7 to 11 years - at the junior school-JuniorSchool).

Secondary School - for children from 11 to 16 years old. Classes in elementary school are held in a very soft playful way without any attempts to fit everyone under one common level.

The final two years of English high school are a transitional link between high school and high school. Students are divided into departments. The traditional ones are humanitarian and naturally mathematical.

Those wishing to enter the university are offered a two-year course of A-levels. The certificate of graduation from vocational education institutions is recognized throughout the country by both employers and higher education institutions, and subsequently allows continuing studies at the university.

The following schools are distinguished in Russia:

Primary school is the first stage of general education in children. Getting elementary education, children acquire the first knowledge about the world, skills in communication and solving applied problems. At this stage, the personality of the child is formed and begins to develop, which emphasizes its importance for society and the state.

For five years, from the 5th to the 9th grade, students go to primary school. The main course of the secondary school provides basic knowledge in the main areas of science.

The last two years of study are the completion of secondary education. The main purpose of the senior classes in preparation for entering a university. Upon completion of training, students pass the Unified State Exam (USE). Completed the last stage of training receives a "Certificate of secondary education" - a document confirming the acquisition of knowledge in the amount of the state standard.

In Russia, vocational education is also considered secondary (specialized secondary), although abroad it may relate to higher education.

The British receive higher education in three types of universities: universities, university colleges and colleges of higher education.

With the introduction of the exam, the scheme of admission to universities in Russia has become closer to the British. In Russia, higher education primarily involves obtaining a specialty, and in England obtaining a scientific or doctoral degree.

As for technical specialities, as Russian students studying at British universities say, “the learning process is no different from ours: the same control, term papers, exams.” But "in Britain, the material and technical base is large, much larger than in Russia." “I do not agree with the young people scolding our education. We have a better technical education. It’s better to study in Russia and to study in British universities because there are the material and technical base. ”


Вот перевод:   кристина является руководителем школы исследователей облаке.в прошлом месяце она посетила международную встречу для молодых исследователей в лондоне.она отвечает за представление ее местный клуб.есть много детей из разных стран.они получили приглашение принять участие в международной встрече.вчера она рассказала,что ее одноклассники о новом интернет-проекте.завтра,кристина и ее друзья начнут строить сайт "международного клуба путешественников"вот по читать  кристи ис зе хэд оф э скоол эксполорс клуб. лэт мот зе виситэд зеинтэрнэтионал митин фор зе пресентатион бай хер локал клуб. зере  ар э лот оф чилдрен фром дифэрент сонтриес зере. зэй гут эт инвитатион ту тэйк парт ин зе  интэрнэтионал мэйтин. уэстердэй зе толд  хер скул мэйтэлс э ньюв интернэт проджект . томоров чрийсте энд хер френц вил бегин тол буелд зе интэрнэтионал эксплорерс клуб.

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Переведите текст. geothermal energy. the power under our feet the deep regions of the earth are extremely hot, reaching tempera- tures in the molten interior of 2000°f or more. in most parts of the world, temperature increases gradually with depth-roughly 1.8 °f for every 100 feet. huge local hot spots exist sufficiently close to the sur- face to be of practical value. these hot spots, with temperatures of about 150 to 750 °f, are known as geothermal reservoirs. the energy in geothermal reservoirs consists of heat stored in rock and, to a smaller extent, in water or steam confined under pressure in rock fractures. to recover the energy, wells are drilled through the im- permeable layers above the reservoir and the trapped water and steam rush to the surface. most geothermal reservoirs lie in areas of recent volcanic activity and movements of the earth's crust. scientists believe that upheavals within the earth pushed hot molten and semisolid materials up from the interior creating local geothermal areas close to the surface. the heat behind this is the result of slow decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, deep within the earth. experts estimate that only five to ten per cent of all geo-thermal reservoirs contain dry steam. more common are wet steam fields with water superheated from 350 to 700 °f. when the pressure is relieved by drilling into the field, the superheated water flashes into a mixture of 20 per cent steam and the rest hot water. power generating stations utilizing wet steam are already in opera- tion in countries including italy, iceland, new zealand, japan and rus- sia.
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