
Choose the right word to complete the sentences. another, other, others, the others, the other (2) 1) the first bird in the picture was an owl, was a magpie. 2) give me pen, please. this pen won't write. 3) there were a lot of swans in the lake. some of them were white, were black. 4) some children like milk, hate it. 5) i have two watches. i have given one to my sister. but where is 6) some pupils like to look new words up in dictionaries, pupils don't like to do it at all.

Английский язык


1) the other 2) another 3) the others 4) others 5) the other? 6) other
Scientific and technological progress imposes on our lives, our habits and practices a certain effect.  internet has long captured the thoughts and feelings of the most progressive category of humanity throughout the world.  and russia, especially in recent times, is no exception.  the internet has changed our world view and attitude, and we sometimes have no idea how to get us interested in the information without the internet.  with the internet, we write essays, plays, watching movies, listening to music, read books, make money and do many other interesting things.  so it seems logical that  the internet  has penetrated, and in this area of human relationships, like personal sympathy and love.  many dating sites offer anyone who wishes to find a communication partner and start a relationship.  what is the difference between love on the internet on the real relationship, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of such a love?   let's start with  benefits.  you are free to choose with whom you communicate and build relationships.  usually  dating sites  offer a very wide choice of candidates, and your task - to choose someone who you most dislike.  in addition, when communicating over the internet, you can lightly embellish their virtues, but if you focus on long-term relationship, this is not recommended, because at the time actually meeting people immediately see the false, you tried to pass off as truth.  another significant advantage of love over the internet  - you can build your relationship slowly, slowly, without haste and without risk, as in real life, at some point to say not what you want, or not what you really want to say .  sitting beside your computer monitor, you always have the time and opportunity to reflect, to analyze their thoughts and decide what you want to write to his  handpicked successor  at a given time.  another advantage of the relations on the internet  - the openness of the people (of course, if they wish to open).  through the internet, you can express the thoughts that you never dare to publish in real life.  we do not see the reaction of the interlocutor to our letters - this can be either positive or negative side of love through the internet.  as the depth of feelings, it could take no less than the relationship in real life.  people are waiting for virtual meetings with each other, counting the days, hours, minutes.  however, there are also negative aspects.  speaking through the internet, we do not see  the interlocutor  does not hear his voice and picture in the profile may not accurately transmit the nuances of his appearance.  often, people give themselves not for those who they really are, and when it comes to the actual meeting (if the income is, of course) comes smack in the face, and so it is harder than the more bound to the fictional image.  in addition, often the other person may be thousands of miles away from you in another city or even in another country.  meet with the companion of more than problematic.  also in russia, while the internet is still a luxury because of its high cost, so in the west, dating and love on the internet - a phenomenon more common, and there are more cases where a virtual  romance  turns into a real with a happy ending.  by the way, my wife, i found it on the internet, and such cases in our country is becoming more and more.  so my advice to you, dear women: do not think that love on the internet - the fate of losers, boldly meet and start virtual novels.  the main thing - do not be afraid and go boldly forward to the goal!  
The british royal society for the protection of animals from cruel obrascheniyaprizyvaet christians to meet adequately the world day zhivotnyhbritanskoe royal society for the protection of cruelty to animals(rspca) called on all christians and the clergy " to mobilize to fightprevention of cruelty to animals, " and the churches all over the country -to be held in sunday, october 1 , the traditional blessing of animalsaccording to "k9 magazine". according to the general director of the rspca jackie ballard, " 2005 will go down inhistory as one of the most cruel to animals , "sorspca activity today is of particular importance . world dayprotection of animals or the feast of st. francis will be celebrated on wednesday , 4of october. the decision to celebrate world animal day was adopted on october 4at the international congress of supporters of the nature conservancy ,held in florence in 1931."christians have always helped fight the cruelty in the country - saidtheologian andrew lenses from oxford university. - people like williamwilberforce and lord shaftesbury believed that violence is incompatible with thechristian faith. now that the statistics rspca says a worryingincrease in cases of cruelty to animals , it is vitalto this struggle were mobilized christians . today we need morein a christian crusade - against cruelty. somechristians naively believe that the battle is already won, but in fact this must be fought in every generation . "на : британское королевское общество защиты животных от жестокого обращенияпризывает христиан достойно встретить всемирный день защиты животныхбританское королевское общество защиты животных от жестокого обращения(rspca) призвало всех христиан и духовенство "мобилизоваться на жестокого обращения с животными", а церкви по всей стране -провести в воскресенье, 1 октября, традиционное благословение животных,сообщает "k9 magazine".по словам генерального директора rspca джеки ,   "2005 год войдет как один из самых жестоких по отношению к животным", поэтомудеятельность rspca сегодня приобретает особенную важность. всемирный деньзащиты животных или день святого франциска будет отмечаться в среду, 4октября. решение отмечать всемирный день животных было принято 4 октябряна международном конгрессе сторонников движения в защиту природы,проходившем во флоренции в 1931 году."христиане всегда бороться с жестокостью в стране, - заявилтеолог эндрю линзи из оксфордского университета. - такие люди, как вильямвильберфорс и лорд шафтсбери полагали, что жестокость несовместима схристианской верой. теперь, когда статистика rspca заявляет о тревожномувеличении случаев жестокости по отношению к животным, жизненно важно,чтобы на эту борьбу были мобилизованы христиане. сегодня мы нуждаемся ещев одном христианском крестовом походе - против жестокости. некоторыехристиане наивно полагают, что сражение уже выиграно, но фактически с этимнеобходимо бороться в каждом поколении".

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Choose the right word to complete the sentences. another, other, others, the others, the other (2) 1) the first bird in the picture was an owl, was a magpie. 2) give me pen, please. this pen won't write. 3) there were a lot of swans in the lake. some of them were white, were black. 4) some children like milk, hate it. 5) i have two watches. i have given one to my sister. but where is 6) some pupils like to look new words up in dictionaries, pupils don't like to do it at all.
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