if he hadn't noticed the mould in one of his glasses, alexander fleming … would have never discovered penicillin.
if he had sold some of his paintings, van gogh would have got some recognition.
if barbara streisand had changed the shape of her nose, her career … would have never been the same.
if anne sullivan hadn't taught her, helen keller wouldn't have been able to communicate.
if naomi campbell wasn't so beautiful, she would have never become) a super model. ("wasn't" because she is still beautiful)
на свете живёт один ёжик - фрунь. он всегда хотел одеть свитер, но у него были колючие иголки, и каждый раз он рвал его своими иголочками.
его друг зайчик прыг - скок подарил ему на новый год пушистый красивый свитер с оленятками. фрунь был так счастлив! ёжик тут же начал одевать свитер, позабыв о своих иголках. и тут..
свитер порвался, а зайчик прыг - скок, увидев, что его друг рвёт свитер, горько заплакал.
- ты порвал свитер, он тебе не нравиться! - закричал прыг - скок.
зайчонок забрал свитер у своего друга и умчался к себе в домик.
lived in the world one hedgehog prune. he always wanted to wear a sweater, but he had prickly needles, and every time he tore it with his needles.
his friend the bunny hop, hop, gave him on new year's fluffy handsome sweater altadama. frun was so happy! the hedgehog immediately began to put on a sweater and forget about their needles. and here..
the sweater was torn, and the bunny jumped, seeing that his friend was tearing his sweater, wept bitterly.
- you tore the sweater, you don't like it! screamed hop - frog.
bunny took the sweater from his friend and rushed to his house.
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Выбрать нужную форму множественного числа имени существительного: (ox) and (deer) are animals. i have two ( sister put your (money) in the pocket. you must keep your ( tooth) clear. (tree) are in red and yellow.