баскервиль холл – огромная усадьба на болоте. легенда гласит: сто лет назад огромная собака с огненными глазами убила сэра хьюго баскервиля. сейчас собака вернулась! после того, как она убила сэра чарльза, владельца баскервиль холла, все опасаются, что его племянник, сэр генри, также находится в опасности. они просят шерлока холмса и его друга доктора ватсона раскрыть тайну. холмс и ватсон не верят в легенду и подозревают, что за этим стоит человек по имени стэплтон. поэтому, когда сэр генри идет на ужин к стэплтону, они снаружи стоят на страже.
every lady has her own idea of a handsome man, and i`m not an exception. thus my idea differs dramatically from those of other women, who have quite similar images of perfect gentlemen.
for instance, the majority of women wants their ideal man to be tallish and well-build, broad-shouldered, even athletic, tanned. he should also be fair-haired or even blond, with blue deep eyes and long dark eyelashes. most women want their man not to wear beard, moustache or sideburns. as for the personality, they want their handsome man to be kind-hearted, open-minded, and reliable, the one they can count on, generous and devoted, you know what i mean.
i greatly respect all this ideas, but i can that they are not for me. i can easily claim that i don`t really care about man`s appearance due to the fact that his person is far more important for me. however, i don`t want to disregard the fact that appearance matter greatly.
so, my idea of a handsome man is as following. i want him to be tallish, but a bit overweight, not really sporty and athletic, but quite broad-shouldered. as for his complexion, i want him to be pale with plenty of beauty spots on his face. well…as for his hair, i`d like it to be chestnut and a bit wavy. i don`t really care about the colour of his eyes, because it`s not really important, but let him be blue-eyed.
his personality, which is far more important for me than appearance, needs more time to be discussed. for example, i really want him to be soft-hearted, passionate, highly intellectual and intelligent, open-minded and inquiring, sociable and generous, may be a bit bossy, but never obstinate and stubborn as well as timid or coward. i can`t stand people who are jealous or mean as well as greedy and hot-tempered, that`s why he mustn`t have such features of character.
thus, i know it perfectly well that a person can`t be only vice or virtue, but every man combines bad and good points of character. that`s why my idea will always be just an idea of a handsome man.
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Краткий пересказ, ! this is a story that charlie chaplin liked to tell about himself. it happened after the great actor had becomw world famous. a theatre announced a competition to see who could act like chaplin. people who took part in had to dress like chaplin, walk like chaplin, act out one of the roles in a chaplin film. when charlie heard about the competition, he decided, as a joke, to take part in the competition himself. of course, he kept his plan a secret from everybody. when the results of competition were announced chaplin found out that he hadn't won the first prize. at first he upset but then he dicided that is was quite funny.