where the belarusians came from
when the world was just beginning, nothing was anywhere. everywhere there was dead water, and in the middle of the water there was only a huge boulder.
once perun was in a playful mood and he started shooting arrows at this boulder. three sparks sprang from his arrows: white, yellow and red.
those sparks fell on the water — all the water boiled, and the world darkened like clouds.
but after a while, when everything cleared up, it became clear where the water was, where the land was.
and after a while, life appeared in the water and on the land. there appeared forests, and grass, and animals, and fish, and after that a man: either he came from somewhere, or grew up there.
after a while the man began to establish his own rules. how long he lived like that, we don't know, but soon he had a home, many wives, and even more children. his name was bai. and when the time of his death came, he called his sons and divided all his possessions. he only forgot one son, who was out hunting, with two bai's favorite dogs. his son's name was belopol.
soon after his father's death belopol returned from hunting. and the brothers said to him: "our father divided all his possessions among us, and he left his dogs to you, he also said that you should let them run wild: one to the right, the other to the left. you will have as much land as the distance they will run in a day ".
belopol caught two birds, one of them flew from the southern sea, the second was from the western sea. then he let one bird fly south, and said to one of his dogs: "take it! "
he let the second bird fly to the west and told his second dog: "grab it! "
as those birds flew: one to the south, the other to the and the dogs rushed after the dogs never returned, and in their footsteps there appeared two rivers, the dvina and the dnieper.
on this land between the two rivers belopol settled. he had a few wives and they started tribes called the belarusians. they still live there, plow the land and sow rye.
откуда взялись белорусы?
когда мир только начинался, ничего не было. везде была мертвая вода, а посреди воды торчал только огромный валун.
когда перун разыгрался, он начал стрелять стрелами в этот валун. от его стрел вырвались три искры: белая, желтая и красная.
эти искры упали на воду, и вся вода вскипела, и мир потемнел, как тучи.
но через некоторое время, когда все прояснилось, стало видно, где вода, где земля.
и через некоторое время в воде и на земле появилась жизнь. появились леса, трава, животные и рыбы, а после этого и человек: либо он откуда-то пришел, либо вырос тут.
через некоторое время человек начал устанавливать свои порядки. как долго он жил так, мы не знаем, но вскоре у него появился дом, много жен и еще больше детей. его звали бай. и когда настало ему время помирать, он позвал своих сыновей и разделил все свое имущество. только забыл он одного сына, который был на охоте, с двумя любимыми собаками бая. того сына звали белополь.
вскоре после смерти отца белополь вернулся с охоты. и братья сказали ему: «отец разделил все свое имущество между нас, а тебе оставил собак, а еще наказал, чтоб ты пустил на волю: одну направо, другую налево. сколько земли пробегут они за день, та земля и будет твоей».
белополь поймал двух птиц, одну прилетевшую с южного моря, вторую - с западного. затем он выпустил первую птицу на юг и сказал одной из своих собак: «возьми! »
вторую птицу выпустил на запад и сказал своей второй собаке: «хватай! »
и полетели птицы: одна на юг, другая на запад и собаки помчались за собаки так и не вернулись, а по их потекли две реки, двина и днепр.
на этой земле между двумя реками и поселился белополь. от разных жен и пошли племена, называемые белорусами. они все еще живут там, пашут землю, да сеют рожь.
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Quick 03-04a heroes and challenges 1 think about the meanings of these words. underline the word which does not fit in the group. 0 a) war b) slavery c) racism d) peace 1 a) honest b) kind c) sensitive d) cruel 2 a) calm b) dishonest c) cruel d) arrogant 3 a) skilful b) weak c) honest d) intelligent 4 a) slow b) useless c) terrible d) brilliant 5 a) peaceful b) violent c) cruel d) aggressive 6 a) evil b) generous c) kind d) wise 7 a) racism b) freedom c) slavery d) pollution 8 a) doctor b) nurse c) plumber d) surgeon 9 a) electb) choose c) proud d) vote 10 a) idea b) chef c) thought d) opinion (10 marks) 2 change the word in brackets to complete the sentences. 0 william wilberforce campaigned against (slave) 1 he made a famous in parliament. (speak) 2 is this a snake? (poison) 3 she looked at me (strange) 4 i am very that someone is using my bicycle. (suspect) 5 i don’t like going to the dentist. it’s always (pain) 6 carl lewis was a very athlete. (success) 7 are you with me? (anger) 8 she cried when she heard that her cat was (die) 9 my english lessons are always very (activity) 10 carla is very sensitive and her piano teacher says she has a lot of (able) (10 marks) 3 read the rules about the present perfect and the past simple. which description matches these sentences a, b, or c? underline the correct letter. a the time of the action in the past is not known or not given. b a past action has results in the present. c an action happened at a specific time in the past and is not linked to the present. 0 venus dominated tennis in 2001. a b c 1 tim hasn’t won the tournament yet. a b c 2 the hairdresser cut my hair on monday. a b c 3 georgina has dyed her hair green! a b c 4 i’ve lost my cd player! a b c 5 william shakespeare died in 1616. a b c 6 the surgeon has finished the operation. a b c 7 i’ve seen that film six times! a b c 8 i think it rained during the night. a b c 9 did you record titanic when it was on tv? a b c 10 george has written 15 detective stories. a b c (10 marks) 4 underline the correct verb form to complete the sentences 0 she her hair when the telephone rang. a) was washing b) wash c) washed 1 i an accident when i was walking to work. a) ‘ve seen b) was seeing c) saw 2 did you see the eiffel tower when you paris? a) visited b) have visited c) visits 3 do you know if the plumber yet? a) has finished b) finish c) finished 4 they to venice after the wedding? a) have / been b) did / go c) did / went 5 she never a horse. a) ‘s / ridden b) ‘s / rode c) didn’t / ride (5 marks) 5 complete the sentences with words from the box. already ever never yet 0 have you met a pop star? 1 she has ridden a bicycle, not even when she was a child. 2 i won’t go to the cinema because i’ve seen the matrix. 3 has your brother arrived in canada 4 has your mother cooked chinese food? 5 i can’t eat any more. i’ve eaten more than i usually eat. (5 marks) 6 write a, an, the or ø if there should be no article. 0 have you ever climbed __a__ mountain? 1 people generally speak german in this part of switzerland. 2 girls just want to have fun! 3 weather forecast said it’s going to snow this afternoon. 4 how long have you been architect? 5 don’t lean your bike against the window. you’ll break glass. 6 i don’t like sport. 7 have you ever stayed in hotel? 8 she gave me orange sweater. 9 excuse me, do you know exact time? 10 he ran out to help when he heard screams.