
Перепишете следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.! 1. masha said: "i usually spend my holidays in the south." 2. she said: "i spent my holidays in the crimea last year." 3. boris said: "i go to the south every year." 4. he said: "i am going to a rest-home tomorrow." 5. ann said to us: "they haven't yet come." 6. she said to us: "they arrived in st. petersburg yesterday." 7. i said: "i was in london last year. my friends in london sometimes invite me to spend my holidays with them." 8. nick said: "i have never been to london. i think i shall go there next year." 9. he said: "i shall not stay with my friends too long." 10. he said to me: "they are staying at the 'europe' hotel. 11. he said: "they are leaving next monday." 12. the clerk said to them: "you can leave the key with the maid upstairs."

Английский язык


Kashtelyan Tamara847
1. masha said that he  usually spent his holidays in the south. 2. she said that she had spent her holidays in the crimea the year before. 3. boris said that he  went to the south every year. 4. he said that he  was going to a rest-home the following day. 5. ann told us that  they hadn't yet come. 6. she told us they had arrived in st. petersburg the day before yesterday. 7. i said that  i had been in london the year before and that  my friends in london sometimes invited me to spend my holidays with them. 8. nick said that he  had never been to london and also added  that he  thought he would go there the following year. 9. he said that he  would not stay with his friends too long. 10. he told me  that they were staying at the 'europe' hotel. 11. he said that they were leaving the following monday. 12. the clerk told them that they  could leave the key with the maid upstairs.
James сook (1728 — 1779) was an explorer, navigator,  cartographer,  discoverer. he committed two trips around the world and during the third one he was killed on one of the hawaiian islands by native people. james was born on 27 october 1728 in the village of marton, the english county of yorkshire. cook began attending school when his family moved to the village of great aiton. after having studied for five years, he worked on his father's farm. at the age of 18 years, james becomes a cabin boy.(юнга) his first expedition was the journey from london to newcastle. all his free time cook spent self-educating. he studied maps, astronomy, geography and mathematics. in 1755 he joint the royal navy, preferring the hard work of sailor till he was offered the position of captain on a private vessel. he participated in the seven years' war, and then after retiring from fighting, he continued to make up maps. for successful work he was appointed captain of the ship "newfoundland". in 1762, he returned to england. there he got married elizabeth batts. they had 6 children. he died at the age of 50.
1491 году при князе иване iii для укрепления северо-восточной части города была сооружена спасская башня. строительство выполнил архитектор пьетро антонио солари. сначала она называлась фроловской, по имени церкви во имя святых мучеников фрола и лавра, расположенной рядом. сооружение было в два раза ниже, чем сейчас. многоярусный верх и каменный купол в готическом стиле были возведены значительно позже - в 1624-1625 гг. архитектором христофором галовеем и мастером баженом огурцовым. указом царя алексея михайловича 16 апреля 1658 года башня была переименована в спасскую. такое название она получила, поскольку через нее шла дорога к спасо-смоленскому храму. есть мнение, что название она получила в честь иконы спаса нерукотворного, помещенной над воротами со стороны красной площади. спасские ворота – самые главные из кремлевских ворот. мужчины снимали головные уборы перед образом спасителя со стороны красной площади. через них нельзя было проезжать верхом. по легенде, когда наполеон проезжал через эти ворота, ветер сорвал с него треуголку. все цари перед коронацией проходили через эти ворота. воины уходили отсюда на решающие битвы. на протяжении многих лет спасские ворота открывались редко, только в исключительных случаях, например, для проезда кортежа президента. с августа 2014 года через ворота можно выйти на красную площадь.  попасть в кремль по прежнему можно только через кутафью башню.

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Перепишете следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.! 1. masha said: "i usually spend my holidays in the south." 2. she said: "i spent my holidays in the crimea last year." 3. boris said: "i go to the south every year." 4. he said: "i am going to a rest-home tomorrow." 5. ann said to us: "they haven't yet come." 6. she said to us: "they arrived in st. petersburg yesterday." 7. i said: "i was in london last year. my friends in london sometimes invite me to spend my holidays with them." 8. nick said: "i have never been to london. i think i shall go there next year." 9. he said: "i shall not stay with my friends too long." 10. he said to me: "they are staying at the 'europe' hotel. 11. he said: "they are leaving next monday." 12. the clerk said to them: "you can leave the key with the maid upstairs."
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