
1. выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному. 1) aunt a) mother's sister b) sister's mother c) cousin 2) to give up a) to get up b) to stop doing something c) to get rid of 3) to clear up the table a) to lay b) to take away c) to make 4) food a) picnic b) tea-break c) meals 2. выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу. 1) would you like to … old things? a) get up b) give up c) get rid of 2) … in the family are very important. a) relatives b) relations c) females 3) my dad is five years … than my mum. a) older b) elder 4) my … is a place where i can relax and rest. a) home b) house 5) this salad is made … cabbage, onion and carrot. a) of b) from 3. выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме. 1) my sister … the dishes at the moment. a) washes up b) has washed up c) is washing up 2) alice … a funny prize in the show last month. a) has won b) won c) wins 3) the students … a date and time yet. a) didn't arrange b) don't arrange c) haven't arranged d) aren't arranging 4) a translator … from one language into another. a) translated b) is translating c) translates 5) we … to the seaside next summer. a) are going b) went c) have gone 4. выбери правильный вариант перевода. 1) я никогда не видела такой красивый мост. a) i never saw such a beautiful bridge. b) i have never seen such a beautiful bridge. 2) прошлым летом мы путешествовали в альпы. a) last year we travelled to the alps. b) last year we have travelled to the alps. 3) ты когда-нибудь играл в шахматы? a) have you ever played chess? b) did you ever play chess?

Английский язык


5) we … to the seaside next summer. we are going 
Сударь! -. -хлеб у вас свежий? -естественно! -ну я тогда приобрету у вас этот товар! (покупает хлеб) -не знаете ли вы где можно купить свежей рыбы? -в ларьке за углам сударь! (сказал случайно проходивший рядом прохожий) -а может вы меня туда и отведёте? -ну если вы так желаете, я не смогу вам отказать. любезный. (идут в ларёк) -вот я вас и привёл сударь! - вам любезный. -что вы желаете приобрести? (спрашивает продавец) я бы хотел приобрести у вас мясо. -смотрите сударь, выбирайте! (смотрит на мясо) -я как вижу у вас вчерашнее мясо? -не буду вас обманывать сударь, но да. -может я смогу вас приобрести рыбу? -рыба есть в магазинчеке  напротив. - за честность, я к вам приду завтра. (идёт в магазинчик) -! я хочу приобрести рыбу! -покупайте,выбирайте! -вот я хочу у вас приобрести вот эту форель. -вот . -. (покупает рыбу и уходит) .


топик photography

photography is very popular today, but there is a question, if it is art or nor. let's discuss it.

some people think that it is art, others that it is separate branch. on the one hand, photography and art are closely connected. many painters used photographs in their works. also, photography and painting have the same aim: people use them to document the life to show the world, the way painter or photographer see it. on the other hand, photography is the modern science. it is different from art, because it mostly documents the events and the world. photographers can't transfer their thoughts and imagination to the photographs, and painters can do it, they can create their own world.

as for me, i think that photography can be considered as the part of the art. of course, it is a new way of transferring artist's imagination, but it is still art, and it is closely connected with it. they have the same aims, they just realize it in different ways.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. выбери слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному. 1) aunt a) mother's sister b) sister's mother c) cousin 2) to give up a) to get up b) to stop doing something c) to get rid of 3) to clear up the table a) to lay b) to take away c) to make 4) food a) picnic b) tea-break c) meals 2. выбери и вставь слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу. 1) would you like to … old things? a) get up b) give up c) get rid of 2) … in the family are very important. a) relatives b) relations c) females 3) my dad is five years … than my mum. a) older b) elder 4) my … is a place where i can relax and rest. a) home b) house 5) this salad is made … cabbage, onion and carrot. a) of b) from 3. выбери и вставь глагол в нужной форме. 1) my sister … the dishes at the moment. a) washes up b) has washed up c) is washing up 2) alice … a funny prize in the show last month. a) has won b) won c) wins 3) the students … a date and time yet. a) didn't arrange b) don't arrange c) haven't arranged d) aren't arranging 4) a translator … from one language into another. a) translated b) is translating c) translates 5) we … to the seaside next summer. a) are going b) went c) have gone 4. выбери правильный вариант перевода. 1) я никогда не видела такой красивый мост. a) i never saw such a beautiful bridge. b) i have never seen such a beautiful bridge. 2) прошлым летом мы путешествовали в альпы. a) last year we travelled to the alps. b) last year we have travelled to the alps. 3) ты когда-нибудь играл в шахматы? a) have you ever played chess? b) did you ever play chess?
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