Александр грейам белл является изобретателем телефона. он родился в эдинбурге, в шотландии.о образованию белл не был ни инженером-электриком, ни . он начал учителя музыки и ораторского искусства, позднее стал работать с людьми, страдавшими дефектами речи, потерявшими слух. но вскоре белл меняет направление деятельности и начинает работать над созданием телеграфа, с которого можно было бы одновременно передавать несколько текстов. в работе по созданию телеграфа случайность беллу открыть явление, которое обернулось изобретением телефона.сочинение на языке! не получилось(а вот на : alexander graham bell invented the telephone. he was born in edinburgh in shotlandii.o education bell was neither an electrical engineer or a physicist. he started as an assistant teacher of music and oratory, and later began working with people with speech disabilities who have lost sluh.no bell soon changes direction and starts to work on the development of the telegraph, through which could be simultaneously transmit multiple texts. the work on the creation of the telegraph accident helped bella discover a phenomenon that turned invention of the telephone.
1. have he draw this picture yet, haven't he? 2. does she usually write off from her friend, doesn't she? 3. does he usually call help at those moments, doesn't he? 4. причем тут важный момент? или я не так понял 5. have he check us yet, havent he? 6. did he arrived at 5 o'clock yesterday, didn't he? 7. is this armchair most comfortable, isn't it? 8. does she always compare me with him, doesnt she? 9. did they build this building at 1997, didnt they? 10. does she always take care of my pet, doesnt she?
1. at the age of five i was able to count to a hundred. 2. could you speak german when you were eleven? 3. john would like to be able to play a musical instrument at the age of fifteen. 4. sam would like to be able to design clothes in the future. 5. mary can write stories in english now. 6. all my classmates can use a computer and (без to) write computer programmes. 7. at what age could (сan) you borrow books from the library? 8. my cousins were able to read matilda from cover to cover when they were nine.
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