Поздравляю с днём рождения тебя желаю тебе всего самого наилучшего!
сегодня у моей мамы день рождения! я целую неделю выбирал ей подарок, мне хотелось обрадовать её. я прошёл все магазины, спрашивал у всех совета, решил сделать подарок сам. я долго дума что сделать ей и меня осенило! я решил сделать ей комплект из серёжек, браслета и бус. ещё я хотел подарить маме открытку и сделать что нибудь вкусное. вот приехали гости. мама встречала их и принимала подарки я смотрел на неё и на подарки которые она получала и понял что мой подарок не сравнится с моим. я загрустил поэтому я поел и пошёл играть с друзьями в другую комнату. мама заметила что я был грустный и после праздника спросила что со мной. я всё ей рассказал. я заметил что мама улыбается и сказала что нет лучше подарка на свете чем подарок от близкого человека и что не один подарок не сравнится с моим!
1. the students of our group were given a lot of homework to do every day. past simple, passive voice the students of our group will be given a lot of homework to do every day. future simple, passive voice 2. many articles on our speciality were discussed in class. past simple, passive voice many articles on our speciality will be discussed in class. future simple, passive voice 3. new modern blocks of flats were built very quickly. past simple, passive voice new modern blocks of flats will be built very quickly. future simple, passive voice 4. you were wanted on the phone. past simple, passive voice you will be wanted on the phone. future simple, passive voice 5. the grammar rules were revised at every lesson. past simple, passive voice the grammar rules will be revised at every lesson. future simple, passive voice 6. he was given these foreign journals in the library. past simple, passive voice he will be given these foreign journals in the library. future simple, passive voice 7. this film was much spoken about. past simple, passive voice this film will be much spoken about. future simple, passive voice 8. the lectures of our professor were listened to with great interest.past simple, passive voice the lectures of our professor will be listened to with great interest.future simple, passive voice 9. we were taught english at the institute.past simple, passive voice we will be taught english at the institute.future simple, passive voice 10. the telegrams were sent early in the morning.past simple, passive voice the telegrams will be sent early in the morning.future simple, passive voice все предложения в пассивном залоге.
The sport of volleyball is known as a fun past time for any person young or old. volleyball is a great way of exercise and a great way to have fun with friends and possibly make some new ones. i love to watch and play the game, volleyball is a very entertaining sport and can be played by anyone. i see volleyball as a fun and easy way to have fun rather than sitting on the couch all day playing video games or watching television. one reason i love volleyball is because you need only yourself to play the game or, you can play with teammates. to me there is not only one word that i can describe volleyball. you meet tons of people and you are able to play with your friends for hours without getting one thought of boredom. doing sport is healthy lifestyle. it improves your immune system and has a lot of other positive things.