
1) if you were a famous writer 2) if you could speak seven languages 3) if you discovered a new star 4) if you were the director of your school 5) if bill gates were your best friend 6) if you were offered to be the head of your city (town, village)

Английский язык


1) if i were a famous writer, i would earn good money.2) if i   could speak seven languages, i would be an interpreter.3) if i discovered a new star, i would name it after my mother.4) if i were the director of my school, i would change school rules.5) if bill gates were my best friend, i would be very happy.6) if i were offered to be the head of m city, i would have to work very hard. 
Present simple действие  происходит  в  настоящем  и  употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы говорим о чьих либо привычках, режиме дня, расписании и т. д., т. е.                   i/you/we/they play i play. do  i  play? i  do not play.         he/she/it play he  plays. does  he  play? he does  not  play. лишь  в  этом  времени  в 3-ем лице единственного числа к ней нужно прибавить окончание -s:   he  play s.        she work s  every  day. present continuous действие  происходит  сейчас  в  данный  момент  времени  (now) jim  is  playing the  guitar now (джим  играет  на  гитаре  сейчас). am is            v-ing are i  am  writting  a  letter  now. am  i  writting  a  letter  now? i  am  not  writting  a  letter  now. past simple действие  произошло  в  прошлом  и  мы  знаем,  когда  оно  произошло we  went  to  italy  last  year  (мы  ездили  в  италию  в  прошлом  году). he  worked  yesterday  (он  работал  вчера). (did)  v,v-ed he  worked  yesterday. did  he  work  yesterday? he  did  not  work  yesterday. т.е. здесь в утвердительном предложении глагол, если он неправильный, то ставиться во 2ую форму (таблица неправильных глаголов), если правильный то добавляется +еd. в  вопросительном  и  отрицательном  предложениях применяется    глаг do  в прошедшем времени - did.   слова: yesterday                                       (two days) ago                                       last (week)                                         in  1997
Max got up early. he cleaned his teeth and had breakfast. it was 7.30. a.m.the lst of september. it was his first day at school. he put on his new school uniform and took flowers for the teacher. he went to school with his parents. his father made a  video of him when he gave the flowers to the teacher. that day he had just a few lessons and came home early. after lunch he went for a walk with his new friend anton. they spoke about their summers. it was late and the new classmates went home. max said: "goodbye, see you tomorrow." and anton said: "ok, see you,bye."  max was tired but happy.

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1) if you were a famous writer 2) if you could speak seven languages 3) if you discovered a new star 4) if you were the director of your school 5) if bill gates were your best friend 6) if you were offered to be the head of your city (town, village)
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