
Нужно найти в тексте все глаголы, выписать их и определить их время и залог how to apply fertilizers the method of application of fertilizers (organic manure or mineral fertilizers) is un essential of good agricultural practices. the amount and timing of nutrient uptake depends on various factors, such as crop variety. planting date, crop rotation, soil and weather conditions. for good agricultural practices, the farmer chooses the timing. and the quantity in such a way that as much as possible of the nutrients is used by the plants. for optimum crop use efficiency and minimum potential for environmental pollution, the must apply the nutrients as near to the time the crop needs them as is practical. this is of particular importance for mobile nutrients such as nitrogen, which can easily be lenched out of the soil profile, if they are not taken up by the plant the cases of urea and diammonium phosphate application, losses mayoccur through emission of ammonia to the air. both these fertilizers must be incorporated into the soil immediately after application, if there is no immediate rainfall or irrigation to wash it into the soil. this is of particular importance on alkaline (calcareous) solls.all primary and secondary nutrients should be incorporated immediately after application in regions whereintense rainfall is expected, to avoid losses due to run-off and erosion.when fertilizer is applied by hand, extreme care should be taken to distribute nutrients uniformly and at the exact rates. where fertilizer application equipment is used, it should be adjusted to ensure uniform spreading and correct rules. the equipment should be well maintained.broadcasting the broadcasting of fertilizer (i. e. applying it to the surface of a field) is used mostly on dense crops not planter in rows or in dense rows (small grains) and on grassland. it is also used when fertilizers should be incorporated into the soil after application to be effective (phosphate fertilizers), or to avoid evaporation losses of nitrogen. (urea, diammonium phosphate incorporation through tilling or ploughing-in is also recommended to increase the fertility level of the entire plough layer. whether the fertilizer is by hand or with fertilizer spreading equipment, the spreading should be as uniform as possible.row or band placement when localized fertilizer placement (putting the fertilizer only in selected places in the field) is used. the fertilizer is concentrated in specified parts of the soil during planting, which may be either in bands or strips under the surface of the soil or to the side of, and below, the seed. this can be done either by hand or by special planting and/or fertilizer drilling equipment (seed-cum-fertilizer drill). it is preferably used for row crops, which have relatively large spaces between rows (maize, cotton, and sugar cane); or on soils with a tendency to and potassium fixation; or where relatively small amounts of fertilizer are used on soils with a low fertility level.where crops are cultivated by hand and planted in hills, the recommended number of grams of fertiliser are placed in the row or planting hole (preferablymeasured out in an appropriate tin or pot), under, or beside the seed, and covered with soil. great care has to be taken that no fertilizer is placed either too close to the seed or to the germinating plant to avoid toxicity, i. e. salt damage to the seedling (burning of the roots).top-dressing top-dressing (broadcasting the fertilizer on a standing crop) is mainly usedfor small and large grain crops and for crops such as forage. top-dressing is normal practice where there is a need for additional nitrogen of soils and with crops where a single application of the total nitrogen amount needed atsowing might lead losses through leaching, or where the crops show aspecial need for nitrogen at certain stages of growth. the mobile nitrate moves downwards in the soil and can be taken up there by the plant of potassium, which does not move in the soil to the same extent as nitrogen, might berecommended on light soils, i. e. applying the total amount divided into a basal dressing and top-dressing.phosphate hardly moves in the soil at all. hence, it is usually applied before or at sowing or planting time (basa application), preferably in combination with potassium and part of the nitrogen. the remaining nitrogen should then be applied as a top-dressing in one or more split applications, side-dressingapplying fertilizer as side-dressing is the practice of putting it to the side of widely spaced plants grown in rovsuch as maize, cotton and sugar cane. trees or other perennial crops also are normally side-dressed.

Английский язык


1. No one expected Olga GAVE the wron answer to such a simple question
2. Did u see our football team WON the game yesterday?
3.Who can make me DID what I don't want to do?
4.I woudl like all the people of the world LIVED in peace
5. Pauline did notice her little brother STEALED into the living room.
6.Will u let me PLAYED in the garden, mother?
7. Didn't you feel the catepillar CRAWLED up your leg?
8.I don't want LOST your time.
9. When dis you hear our teacher SAID that we were going on a trip?
10. Yesterday I wanted a bird BUILT its nest!
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Нужно найти в тексте все глаголы, выписать их и определить их время и залог how to apply fertilizers the method of application of fertilizers (organic manure or mineral fertilizers) is un essential of good agricultural practices. the amount and timing of nutrient uptake depends on various factors, such as crop variety. planting date, crop rotation, soil and weather conditions. for good agricultural practices, the farmer chooses the timing. and the quantity in such a way that as much as possible of the nutrients is used by the plants. for optimum crop use efficiency and minimum potential for environmental pollution, the must apply the nutrients as near to the time the crop needs them as is practical. this is of particular importance for mobile nutrients such as nitrogen, which can easily be lenched out of the soil profile, if they are not taken up by the plant the cases of urea and diammonium phosphate application, losses mayoccur through emission of ammonia to the air. both these fertilizers must be incorporated into the soil immediately after application, if there is no immediate rainfall or irrigation to wash it into the soil. this is of particular importance on alkaline (calcareous) solls.all primary and secondary nutrients should be incorporated immediately after application in regions whereintense rainfall is expected, to avoid losses due to run-off and erosion.when fertilizer is applied by hand, extreme care should be taken to distribute nutrients uniformly and at the exact rates. where fertilizer application equipment is used, it should be adjusted to ensure uniform spreading and correct rules. the equipment should be well maintained.broadcasting the broadcasting of fertilizer (i. e. applying it to the surface of a field) is used mostly on dense crops not planter in rows or in dense rows (small grains) and on grassland. it is also used when fertilizers should be incorporated into the soil after application to be effective (phosphate fertilizers), or to avoid evaporation losses of nitrogen. (urea, diammonium phosphate incorporation through tilling or ploughing-in is also recommended to increase the fertility level of the entire plough layer. whether the fertilizer is by hand or with fertilizer spreading equipment, the spreading should be as uniform as possible.row or band placement when localized fertilizer placement (putting the fertilizer only in selected places in the field) is used. the fertilizer is concentrated in specified parts of the soil during planting, which may be either in bands or strips under the surface of the soil or to the side of, and below, the seed. this can be done either by hand or by special planting and/or fertilizer drilling equipment (seed-cum-fertilizer drill). it is preferably used for row crops, which have relatively large spaces between rows (maize, cotton, and sugar cane); or on soils with a tendency to and potassium fixation; or where relatively small amounts of fertilizer are used on soils with a low fertility level.where crops are cultivated by hand and planted in hills, the recommended number of grams of fertiliser are placed in the row or planting hole (preferablymeasured out in an appropriate tin or pot), under, or beside the seed, and covered with soil. great care has to be taken that no fertilizer is placed either too close to the seed or to the germinating plant to avoid toxicity, i. e. salt damage to the seedling (burning of the roots).top-dressing top-dressing (broadcasting the fertilizer on a standing crop) is mainly usedfor small and large grain crops and for crops such as forage. top-dressing is normal practice where there is a need for additional nitrogen of soils and with crops where a single application of the total nitrogen amount needed atsowing might lead losses through leaching, or where the crops show aspecial need for nitrogen at certain stages of growth. the mobile nitrate moves downwards in the soil and can be taken up there by the plant of potassium, which does not move in the soil to the same extent as nitrogen, might berecommended on light soils, i. e. applying the total amount divided into a basal dressing and top-dressing.phosphate hardly moves in the soil at all. hence, it is usually applied before or at sowing or planting time (basa application), preferably in combination with potassium and part of the nitrogen. the remaining nitrogen should then be applied as a top-dressing in one or more split applications, side-dressingapplying fertilizer as side-dressing is the practice of putting it to the side of widely spaced plants grown in rovsuch as maize, cotton and sugar cane. trees or other perennial crops also are normally side-dressed.
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