Fear is a basic human emotion. It helps warn us of danger. the brain sends signals to the nervous system and the body reacts: sweats, shakes, the heart beats faster, more blood rushes to the muscles - prepares us to fight or escape. Whenever we face danger or feel safe, the brain reacts by instantly sending signals to activate the body's nervous system. Phobias are extreme fears. People who have phobias such as agoraphobia, claustrophobia, arachnophobia. They can develop as a result of a frightening event, such as being bitten by a dog in childhood. About 5-10% of the population has phobias, but there are ways to deal with our fears. To overcome phobias, you need not to avoid frightening situations, create a list of your fears, start overcoming them one at a time. As a result, all fears will dissolve and you will understand that there is no reason to be afraid.
Текст: Страх – основная человеческая эмоция. Она предупредить нас об опасности. мозг посылает сигналы нервной системе и тело реагирует: потеет, трясется, сердце бьется быстрее, больше крови приливает к мышцам – готовит нас к борьбе или побегу. Всякий раз, когда мы встречаемся с опасностью или чувствуем себя в безопасности, мозг реагирует, мгновенно посылая сигналы для активации нервной системы организма. Фобии - крайняя степень страхов. Люди, которые имеют фобии, такие как агорафобия, клаустрофобия, арахнофобия. Они могут развиваться в результате пугающего случая: например укусила собака в детстве. Около 5-10% населения имеют фобии, но есть борьбы с нашими страхами. Чтобы преодолеть фобии нужно не избегать пугающих ситуаций, создать список ваших страхов, начать их преодолевать по одному. В итоге все страхи растворятся и вы поймёте, что причин бояться — нет.
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The best food in the world լավագույն սնունդը աշխարհում once there lived a king who had one son.the prince was ill. he was tired of eating. the delicious food in his father’s house did not taste good to him. the queen looked at her son and said, “the prince does not eat his food. i am afraid he will die of hunger. look at him, how weak he is.” one morning the king called all his servants and said, “my son has lost his appetite. he is ill. he will die of hunger. go, fi nd the wise man of the village. i am sure he will help us.” the king’s servants went away to fi nd the wise man of the village. soon they came back with an old man with long white hair. the wise man bowed to the king and asked, “o, king, what can i do for you? ” the king told the wise man what the matter was, “the prince was once strong and fat, and now, he is getting thinner every day. he does not eat his food. we are afraid he will die of hunger.” “o, king”, answered the wise man, “do not think about your son. let the young prince fi nd the best food in the world. then his appetite will come back and he will be strong again.” then he stepped back, bowed to the king and walked out of the king’s house. ex1.true or false? 1the prince was happy. he liked the food in his father's house. 2.the queen looked at her son and said, ''look at him, how strong he is''. 3.the king bowed to the wise man. 4. the wise man said '' do not let your son find the best food in the world''. 5. his appetite will come back and he will be strong again. нужно