
Переведите, только не переводчиком, : there is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.

Английский язык


Нет ни пыли, ни грязи от железной дороги или машины(путешествия на машине), никаких проблем по поводу смены из поезда в пароход, и обратно, в другой поезд.дословно так получается. но вообще вырвано из контекста, поэтому так коряво.



1.  a bottle of  - с. olive oil

2. а carton of -  d. milk

3. a packet of  - e. crisps

4. a piece of  - f. cheese

5. a jar of  - b. jam

6. a loaf of -  b. jam

7. a bar of - b. jam


1. There isn't any coffee in the jar.

2. Bob usually has some bacon for breakfast.

3. There aren't many eggs left. I'll go buy some.

4. You put too much sugar in my coffee. It's very sweet.

5. Do you want sugar in your cocoa? – Yes, a little please.

6. There’re a few carrots in the fridge. We need to buy some.

7. Is there any cheese in this sauce? I don't like cheese.

8. We haven't got many apples left.

9. You don’t need to buy bread. We’ve got a few loaves of bread.


1. Finally, add the mixture to the first bowl. (добавь)

2. Would you like me to boil  you an egg for your breakfast? (сварить)

3. You fry the bacon and I'll make the toast. (жарить)

4. Let's bake a birthday cake for Jack. (печь)

5. Can you peel  the potatoes, please? (чистить)


1. He eats rice every day.

2. I am working at the moment.

3. They don't got to the party tonight.

4. He doesn't play  golf on Mondays.

5. Do you study  every night?

6. Is Julie sleeping now?

7. I don't drink coffee very often.

8. Does he come  to London often?


1. jar of honey;

2. sour lemon;

3. sweet melon;

4. a bag of sugar;

5. kilogram of potatoes;

6. water bottle;

7. pack of cookies;

8. a piece of cheese.


Yesterday, I stirred together eggs, sugar and flour.

Yesterday, my mum baked apple muffins.

Yesterday, I diced cheese for canapes.

If I could choose, I would definitely prefer to live in the countryside, and the number of reasons is countless. First of all the rushing pace of the city is somethig that I'm getting tired of. Social anxiety is the worst consequence of this constant stress; it leads to isolation and loneliness. But stress doesn't go anywhere. I'm not saying that living in the countryside allows you to become a completely laid-back person; you still need to work hard to make a living, but at least you can enjoy the air which is not poluted with traffic fumes, you can admire the views and just feel the long lost unity with nature. 
Moreover, as the towns and villages of the countryside are usually very small, the feeling of community is much stronger. Living in the city we often don't even know the names of our neighbours, while in the countryside your neighbours can become your close friends who will be happy to help you in need.
Another thing that matters a lot to me is the possibility of getting fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the ground. Instead of buying processed or genetically modified fod from the supernarket, you can grow your own greens or ask your neighbouring farmers for some goods. 
All in all, the countryside living seems much more appealing to me. Maybe my opinion is a bit idealistc and will change with time, but for now I would really enjoy spending a moth or two in a remote village somewhere by the lake surrounded by green hills.

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Переведите, только не переводчиком, : there is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey, none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train.
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