
Спереводом текста . языка .! народ, только через переводчик я и сам могу его перевести. мне нужен нормальный не ломаный набор слов, а перевод. может кто-то в ин. язе учится и может быстро перевести его, ну или доработать данные переводы. the constitution of the united states. a constitution in the american political language means set of customs, traditions, rules and law which together provides the basic way of how government is organized and functions. like many other written, rigid constitutions, the us constitution cannot be altered easily. because the rules of a constitution are laws of fundamental importance it is not surprising that they are often embodied in a single written document. the us constitution consists of preamble, seven articles and twenty-six amendments. the preamble saus: " we, the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the united states of america". the fist ten amendments are called the bill of rights. it was adopted in 1791. the bill enumerated and guranteed basic freedoms declared what the government was not allowed to do. at the present time, there are four amendments without ratification. these deal with child labor, titles of nobility from foreign powers, and certain statesrights. two recently proposed amendments have been approved by congress, i.e. equal rights for women and men.

Английский язык


Конституция Соединенных Штатов. Конституция в американском политическом языке означает набор обычаев, традиций, правил и закона, который вместе обеспечивает основной как правительство организует и функции. Как и многие другие, написанные, жестких конституций, Конституция США не могут быть легко изменены. Поскольку правила конституции законы фундаментальной важности это не удивительно, что они часто воплощаются в одном письменном документе. Конституция США состоит из преамбулы, семи статей и двадцать шесть поправок. Преамбула Саусь: "Мы, народ Соединенных Штатов, в целях образования более совершенный Союз, установить правосудие, гарантировать внутреннее спокойствие, обеспечить совместную оборону, содействовать всеобщему благоденствию и закрепить блага свободы за нами и наши потомки, торжественно провозглашаем и устанавливаем настоящую Конституцию для Соединенных Штатов Америки ". кулака десять поправок называются Билль о правах. Она была принята в 1791 году Билл перечислены и гарантированы основные свободы заявил, что правительство не позволили это сделать. В настоящее время существуют четыре поправки без ратификации. Они касаются детского труда, дворянских титулов от иностранных держав и некоторых государственных прав. Два недавно предложенные поправки были одобрены Конгрессом, то есть равные права для женщин и мужчин.
Hi, rick! do you heard about new cpu technology? -hi dan! no i don't. what kind of technology is it? -it`s a revolution in computer technologies! the scientists has made a new powerful cpu with 12 nano-meters technical process! they say this processors will be most productible in all of the world! -yeah, it`s really exciting. do you know how much heat they generate? -i don`t know exactly, but they will generate more than 120 watt of heat. -oh, they must be really hot guys! -haha, really talk, bro.ok, i must to go. see you soon! bye! -ok, bye.
Dialogue series the aim of the dialogue series is to provide a platform where young individuals can interact with persons who have made a contribution to their chosen fields. the exact nature of the dialogue is left to the individual speaker, and it has ranged from socratic discourse to the exhibition of a film, to the presentation of a dance, each of these events then leading to an exchange of views between the speaker and the audience. empowering local governments the final dialog of the year 2005-06 was on the topic of local governance, addressing the question of how to empower institutions like panchayats and municipalities. this dialog was initiated by manik chnd surana, chairperson. third finance commission, government of rajasthan. main thrust of his argument was that for a local government to work effectively it must have some independent source of income. this income could be through direct or indirect taxes. he sited examples of village panchayats in tamilnadu and some other states, which raise three to five lakhs fo rupees annually and spend these in village upliftment programs. he felt even this limited financial autonomy would allow panchayats and municipalities to intervene into local problem in a more effective manner. he gave an example of developing sustainable water resources in villages through panchayats. free human being and free time tom alter explored various aspects of freedom using his extraordinary knowledge fo hindustani and persian poetry. often quoting galib and contemporary indian poets he explored various issues like optimism, humanism and what it means to be a free human being. starting with the idea of optimism, quoting a contemporary poet he said "why do you consider a dew drop as a tear, it is but a cradle of sunshine." modern technology and the global community the first dialog in the year 2005-06 was initiated by prof. rajesh kochhar, of the national institute of science, technology and development studies. he started with the observation on the intimate relation between the technology and the rise of human civilization. he felt that this historical relation between technology and civilization is now taking a new form, mainly because of the information technology and the ubiquitous internet. this unprecedented access to information, of various degrees of veracity, is beginning to challenge the power of state and is forcing us to re-evaluate many issues in ethics. from his talk one felt that the challenge before the global community was whether ethics, arts and literature will be able to respond to this new technology in a creative manner; not allowing us to degenerate into a virtual hedonistic utopia.

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Спереводом текста . языка .! народ, только через переводчик я и сам могу его перевести. мне нужен нормальный не ломаный набор слов, а перевод. может кто-то в ин. язе учится и может быстро перевести его, ну или доработать данные переводы. the constitution of the united states. a constitution in the american political language means set of customs, traditions, rules and law which together provides the basic way of how government is organized and functions. like many other written, rigid constitutions, the us constitution cannot be altered easily. because the rules of a constitution are laws of fundamental importance it is not surprising that they are often embodied in a single written document. the us constitution consists of preamble, seven articles and twenty-six amendments. the preamble saus: " we, the people of the united states, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the united states of america". the fist ten amendments are called the bill of rights. it was adopted in 1791. the bill enumerated and guranteed basic freedoms declared what the government was not allowed to do. at the present time, there are four amendments without ratification. these deal with child labor, titles of nobility from foreign powers, and certain statesrights. two recently proposed amendments have been approved by congress, i.e. equal rights for women and men.
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