
Перевод а 1)самостоятельный и серьёзный ученик 2)любопытный и дружелюбный щенок 3)понимающий и любящий друг 4)послушная и вежливая ученицы 5)капризная младшая сестра в 1) наша бабушка любит путешествовать и проводить время на свежем воздухе 2) эта вежливая и тактичная библиотекарь-моя старшая сестра 3)у этого серьёзного инженера хорошее чувство юмора 4) мой младший брат не любит официальную одежду и короткие волосы 5) этот гид хорошо ладит с капризными детьми и их родителями

Английский язык


1) an independent and serious student
2) a curious and friendly puppy
3) an understanding and loving friend
4) an obedient and polite schoolgirl
5) a whimsical little sister
1) Our grandmother loves to travel and spend time outdoors.
2) This polite and tactful librarian is my elder sister.
3) This serious engineer has a good sense of humor.
4) My younger brother does not like formal clothes and short hair.
5) This guide gets on well with whimsical children and their parents.

2. Look at the sky.It is going to rain tomorrow.

Look at the sky.It will be raining tomorrow

3. We are going to eat at a restaraunt tonight.

We are eating at a restaraunt tonight.

4. They are going to drive to Manchester tomorrow morning.

They will be driving to Manchester tomorrow morning.

5.I am going to brush my teeth,have a wash and go to bed.

I am brushing my teeth,having a wash and going to bed.

6.Be careful with that plate!You are going to break it!

Be careful with that plate!You are breaking it!

7.My parents are going to stay with us for the weekend.

My parents are staying with us for the weekend.


I have chosen photo number 3. I took this photo 2 weeks ago.I can see that there's a family members: mother,father and daughter. You can see that the daughter covers her ears, due to the fact that her parents are quarreling. I took this photo because I wanted to say that this is a rather acute problem between families.Since we usually do not hurt our children and lose our temper,we thereby vent aggression on our couple.We don't understand that children also suffer from this, who likes it when their parents constantly fight between themselves. I wanted to show this photo to my friend, because we also need to understand each other as friends or family, and be friendly in our class.We must respect the opinions of others and share our own, it is important to be able to listen and speak. After all, problems are not solved by shouts and tears,you need to share calmness and understanding.And then everyone will respect each other.

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Перевод а 1)самостоятельный и серьёзный ученик 2)любопытный и дружелюбный щенок 3)понимающий и любящий друг 4)послушная и вежливая ученицы 5)капризная младшая сестра в 1) наша бабушка любит путешествовать и проводить время на свежем воздухе 2) эта вежливая и тактичная библиотекарь-моя старшая сестра 3)у этого серьёзного инженера хорошее чувство юмора 4) мой младший брат не любит официальную одежду и короткие волосы 5) этот гид хорошо ладит с капризными детьми и их родителями
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