
Переведите, ! два года назад я ездила в гости к своей подруге, которая живёт в казахстане. в казахстане живут люди с другим мировоззрением, другой культурой и другими традициями. из-за этого я нервничала . но это мне не помешало получить удовольствие от поездки. во-первых, меня удивило вежливость незнакомых мне людей. добрые улыбки, извинения за малейшие неудобства и пожелания хорошего дня впечатлили меня! во вторых на меня произвело впечатление множество памятников архитектуры. каждое важное событие в города и страны не забыто и отображено в памятниках. мой культурный шок оказался положительным.

Английский язык


Two years back I rode in guests to the friend that lives in Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan people live with other world view, other culture and other traditions. From it I was very nervous . But it did not prevent me to get pleasure from a journey. Firstly, surprised me politeness of unknown to me people. Kind smiles, apologies for the least inconveniences and wishes of good day impressed me! In the second the great number of monuments of architecture made impression on me. Every important event in history of city and country is not forgotten and represented in monuments. My culture shock appeared positive.
Two years back I rode in guests to the friend that lives in Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan people live with other world view, other culture and other traditions. From it I was very nervous . But it did not prevent me to get pleasure from a journey. Firstly, surprised me politeness of unknown to me people. Kind smiles, apologies for the least inconveniences and wishes of good day impressed me! In the second the great number of monuments of architecture made impression on me. Every important event in history of city and country is not forgotten and represented in monuments. My culture shock appeared positive.

Being a mascot, however, can earn you a letter in high school and even an athletic scholarship since most colleges have mascots. Usually mascots do the same thing at all levels: get the crowd into the game, and entertain fans.

Mascots should be respected, and acknowledged in the media. Also, they deserve more funding for training. If the media had more coverage of mascots, they would earn more respect and it would be nice to have our job be recognized.

Unfortunately, some colleges have been forced to cut their mascot programs while cheerleaders remain intact. Some say cheerleaders are enough to pump up the crowd but they aren’t as comical and that takes away from the experience. Mascots dissipate tension.

Объяснение:была пятерка


мне кажется вот так

POPULATE ARRANGE 1. 20% of the population in my country is fluent in English. 2. Salads can be prepared especially for vegetarian guests. 3. The article was published by the President in French and English. ARIFIVE DIFFERENT 4. Are there many people who know British and Australian English? 5. Learning to speak Mandarin in one year is one of his greatest achievements. FIRST ACHIEVEMENT 6. He speaks so much Spanish that I thought he was from Spain. 7. Don't run until you see MY SIGN LOOKING 8. Did Vicki mean what foreign language she wants to read?

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Переведите, ! два года назад я ездила в гости к своей подруге, которая живёт в казахстане. в казахстане живут люди с другим мировоззрением, другой культурой и другими традициями. из-за этого я нервничала . но это мне не помешало получить удовольствие от поездки. во-первых, меня удивило вежливость незнакомых мне людей. добрые улыбки, извинения за малейшие неудобства и пожелания хорошего дня впечатлили меня! во вторых на меня произвело впечатление множество памятников архитектуры. каждое важное событие в города и страны не забыто и отображено в памятниках. мой культурный шок оказался положительным.
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