1. Will Ted have been working as an attorney for twenty years by the end of March?
2. Will Jack and Alison have been bulding their house for a year by Easter?
3. By six o'clock in the evening, we will have been waiting for his message for five hours.
Future Perfect Continuous образуется так: В утверждениях - Подлежащее+will+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing
в вопросах - Will+подлежащее+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing?
В отрицаниях - Подлежащее+will+not(won't)+have+been+глагол с окончанием -ing
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Впиши в пропуски краткие формы be going to. 1. they are going to have a party next week. they have a party next week. 2. we are not going to clean the house. we clean the house. 3. she is not going to become an actress. become an actress. 4. we are going to eat out tonight. eat out tonight. 5. he is not going to cook. he cook.
2. We are not going to clean the house. We are going to clean the house.
3. She is not going to become an actress. She is going to become an actress.
4. We are going to eat out tonight. We are not going to eat out tonight.
5. He is not going to cook. He is going to cook.