
Напищите сочинение на языке на тему" зачем нам нужны друзья? ""why do we need friends? " 5-7 предложений заранее

Английский язык


 I define friendship or friends as trust,understanding and I believe that we in are lives need someone whom we can trust or someone who believes in us.It is not just sharing joy and sorrow and helping each other but its a big responsibility to know that person and understand his/her feelings and moreover to trust them and believe in them.You dont become friends with a person in a month or so.It may take months and even years to know that person and to trust them.It is the sign of maturity and moreover some way or another our life depends on it.
Friends always change our life, its meaning, its content. A friend is always near, he is very considerate, respectful, he is considered with your opinion and feelings. You are interesting for him in times of happiness and sadness. We are people, therefore, we need in daily communication. All of us would find it difficult to cope with all life's difficulties without friends. The world looks gray, if you are alone. Friendship is a part of us, and without it life is impossible.

In my neighborhood there is a park in what you can walk with your dog or hang out with a friend. There're huge trees and tight bushes all around. Beautiful benches are used for people to be comfortable to sit when they got tired and want to rest. In my neighborhood there's a huge attraction park. You can have a ride on a lot of attractions and have fun with friends making selfies. City has immense buildings and huge population. Also there're a lot of malls and supermarkets around streets. Town has a little smaller population and not a lot of malls. Rural area is area for farmers. It doesn't have big population or infrastructure, but has a lot of land for using. All farmers living in rural areas. Urban area is area on what located all cities. It has high buildings and huge population. Also people living not in their houses, but in apartments. I think that it depends on kind of personality. But all people that want to make big money living in urban areas. Because in cities there're much more job opportunities than in rural area.


Вот на Украинском:

Вчора я приїхав додому, адже на канікулах наша сім'я подорожувала. Зараз я розповім вам про це. Отже, ми відвідали Австралію - країну з багатою і неповторною природою. Проте Австралія привертає до себе туристів не річками та озерами, а своїми морськими пляжами з білим ніжним піском, які затишно розташувалися на північному сході та сході материка.   Погода була надзвичайно сонячна. Я дуже круто провів час і зараз збираюсь розповісти про свою подорож друзям.

Вот на Русском:

Вчера я приехал домой, ведь на каникулах наша семья путешествовала. Сейчас я расскажу вам об этом. Итак, мы посетили Австралию - страну с богатой и неповторимой природой. Однако Австралия привлекает к себе туристов не реками и озерами, а своими морскими пляжами с белым нежным песком, которые уютно расположились на северо-востоке и востоке материка. Погода была очень солнечная. Я очень круто провел время и сейчас собираюсь рассказать о своем путешествии друзьям.

Вот на Английском:

Yesterday I came home, because our family traveled during the holidays. Now I will tell you about it. So, we visited Australia - a country with a rich and unique nature. However, Australia attracts tourists not with rivers and lakes, but with its sea beaches with white delicate sand, which are comfortably located in the northeast and east of the mainland. The weather was very sunny. I had a really cool time and now I'm going to tell my friends about my trip.

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