A manager - is a person who gets other people to do all the work .
The afternoon -is the part of the day when we worry about what we didn't do in the morning.
A pedestman -is somebody who has found a place to park their car.
Laptops-are small computers which were invented to make business people work at home on holiday amd when they're travelling.
An antique shop - is a shop where the things for sale are very old and the prices are very modern.
Your boss -is a person who is early for work when you late and late when when you're early.
Eating-is something that children do between meals but not durring them.
A friend - is a person who knows you well,but likes you anyway.
Russia is the largest country in the world. It lies on a huge territory from the coast of the Pacific Ocean to the centre of Europe. This incredible county has almost any kind of weather - strong windy winters and hot summer days. Moscow is the capital of Russia and its largest city, more than 12 million people are living there. There a lot natural ressources at the northeast of Russia oil and gas are among them. Russia borders on with 16 independent states - Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ucraine, Poland, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the United States of America. The head of Russian Federation is the president (Vladimir Putin). Russia is Federative republic, mixed republic and "just' republic. There more than 160 nationalities in Russian so it could be called a "multinational" country.
1)What made Victorian England a powerful country? The growth in industry and trade made Victorian England a powerful country.
2)Why was Victorian time the time of great contrasts?
Because despite of the development of the British Empire the gulf between the rich and the poor in Victorian England became wider.
3)Why do people often speak of Victorian hypocrisy? What makes a person hypocritical (a hypocrite)?
Because people in Victorian time often pretended to have better moral principles than they actually had. A person becomes a hypocrite when he pretends to be very moral but does not behave as such.
4)Which Victorian ideas may seem shocking strange or hard to us? Which ideas do you find sensible if any?
Such ideas as permanent marriage and strict moral standards may seem hard to us. I don't consider any of these ideas to be sensible.
5)What were some of the traditions in a middle-class Victorian family? how can you characterize them?
The youngest members of the family were not supposed to talk unless spoken to by a grown-up. At the end of the day Papa took family prayers when everyone, including the servants, knelt down in the dining room or study. On Sunday afternoons the family often went for a walk, but no games were allowed. The traditions in a middle-class Victorian family were strict, inflexible and thus quite unbearable.
6)Would you be satisfied with typical Victorian amusement? If you say no explain why not.
For sure I would not be satisfied with typical Victorian amusement as far as it seems simply boring and senseless to me.
7)Do you think Victorians were different from modern people? In what way? Does human nature change with time or is it just the circumstances that make us different?
I don't think Victorians were different, they just behave differently. I believe that human nature doesn't change with time and only circumstances make us different.
8)The text describes the lifestyle of a middle-class family? Have you got any idea how poor families lived in those days?
Yes, it does. As far as I know poor families were the worst affected class in the Victorian times. Lack of money resulted in a low food supply. For most of the poor families, the living conditions were so miserable that they required their children to work in order to bring home some extra money to survive.
9)Would you like to live in Victorian England? Why (not)?
I definetely would not like to live in Victorian England. I hate hypocrisy and I prefer to enjoy life as much as possible. The life was hard for people in Victorian England. Working hours were long, breaks were short, and there were no holidays. There was no public water supply, no electricity and no toilets. A whole street would share one outside toilet, and rubbish was thrown out into the streets. Many people died of such diseases as typhoid and cholera.
A manager - is a person who gets other people to do all the work .
The afternoon -is the part of the day when we worry about what we didn't do in the morning.
A pedestman -is somebody who has found a place to park their car.
Laptops-are small computers which were invented to make business people work at home on holiday amd when they're travelling.
An antique shop - is a shop where the things for sale are very old and the prices are very modern.
Your boss -is a person who is early for work when you late and late when when you're early.
Eating-is something that children do between meals but not durring them.
A friend - is a person who knows you well,but likes you anyway.