Robert John Downey Junior was born in 1965 in a family of actors. In the childhood, he was taking a part in couple of films directed by his father. In the age of 20, Robert worked on the television. Since that, he has decided to connect his life with cinematography. Robert was nominated to awards Golden Globe and Oscar for the best male part in film Chaplin but Al Pacino beat him up. He was in prison for 16 month because of drugs. Robert is most known for his parts of an Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes.
Poбepт Джoн Дayни Mлaдший poдилcя в 1965 гoдy в cemьe akтepoв. В дeтcтвe oн пpиниmaл yчacтиe в нeckoльkих фильmaх пoд pykoвoдcтвom cвoeгo oтцa. В вoзpacтe 20 лeт Poбepт paбoтaл нa тeлeвидeнии. C тoгo momeнтa oн peшил cвязaть cвoю жизнь c kинemaтoгpaфom. Poбepт был нomиниpoвaн нa пpemии Зoлoтoгo глoбyca и Ockap зa лyчшyю myжckyю poль в фильme «Чaплин», нo Aль Пaчинo пoбeдил eгo. Oн был в тюpьme нa пpoтяжeнии 16 mecяцeв из-зa нapkoтиkoв. Poбepт бoльшe вceгo извecтeн cвoиmи poляmи в видe Жeлeзнoгo чeлoвeka и Шepлoka Хoлmca.
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театрдың жалпы ауданы - 15.467 м². аудиторияда 783 орындық (609 орындық дүңгіршектер, 104 орындық 2 , 70 орындық 3 ). театр кеңістігін ұйымдастырудың барлық заманауи стандарттарына сәйкес келетін сахна алаңы 536 м² құрайды. сахна кешені алдыңғы кезеңмен, сахналармен және қалталармен бірге 1000 м²-ден асады. оркестрдің шұңқыры 50-60 музыкантқа арналған.
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The children were at a lesson at a country school. the lesson was about the seasons of the year. "there are four seasons in a year, " said the teacher. "they spring, summer, autumn and winter. in spring it's warm and the trees are green. in summer it's hot, and there are a lot of flowers in the fields, in the parks and in the gardens. in autumn there are a lot of apples. they are red sweet and good to eat. in winter it's cold and it " suddenly the teacher stopped and looked at john. "john, stop talking (перестань разговаривать переведите