1. Не knows several foreign languages. - Present Simple
2. I learn English at school. - Present Simple
3. Usually the lessons begin at 9 o'clock. - Present Simple
4. Our grandparents are living now in Moscow. - Present Continuous
5. He often visited them last year. - Past Simple
6. As a rule I go to my school by bus. - Present Simple
7. She will work abroad next year. - Future Simple
8. She doesn't like loud music. - Present Simple
9. Your children usually ask many questions. - Present Simple
10. At present he's working at school. - Present Continuous
11. My brother likes music. - Present Simple
12. What did you do yesterday? - Past Simple
13. His sister will go to the seaside next July. - Future Simple
14. Soon we will leave the school. - Future Simple
15. Who took his book yesterday? - Past Simple
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Поставите существительные и местоимения этих предложений во множественное число. переведите предложения. 1. i stay at work from 9 a. m. till 6 p. m. 2. our secretary operates this computer in the morning. 3. their engineer is busy all day long. 4. our manager meets customers in the afternoon. 5. she does not write that afternoon letter. 6. our detector does drive to work every day. 7. his room is not very large. 8. you call our secretary too often. 9. knowledge of one foreign language is too little for a manager. 10. our company is not very old.
2. Our secretaries operate these computers in the morning. Наши секретари работают с компьютерами утром
3. Their engineers are busy all day long. Их инженеры заняты целый день
4. Our managers meet customers in the afternoon. наши менеджеры встречаются с покупателями днем
5. She does not write that afternoon letters. Она не пишет это письмо
6. Our detectors do drive to work every day. ( тут бред )
7. His rooms are not very large. Его комнаты не очень большие
8. You call our secretaries too often. Ты звонишь нашим секретарям слишком часто
9. Knowledge of foreign languages is too little for a managers. Знание иностран. языков это слишком мало для менеджеров
10. Our companies are not very old. Наши компании не очень старые