– Они поднялись с амбразуры и зашагали дальше, – невозмутимо отвечает он, и в его
глазах, застеленных дымом такая непоколебимая уверенность, что никто из
слушателей уже не решается усомниться в словах старого солдата.
– А кто первым вышел на правый берег Днепра?
– Мои сыновья, Семен и Василий. то в Берлине Красное знамя над рейхстагом поднял?
– Мои сыновья...
– Везде поспевали?
– Везде. Ноги у них молодые. Шли, шли без отдыха, а вернуться с войны домой сил не
– Так и не вернулись?
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Вставьте предлоги in или to 1. in winter i usually go … bed at ten o’clock because i go … school and have to get up early. but in summer, when i don’t go … school and live … the country, i like to go … bed late. 2. do you like to read … bed? 3. we didn’t want to stay … town on such a hot day, so we went … the country. 4. it is very late. go … bed at once. 5. where is your little sister? – she is … bed. mother always puts her … bed at eight o’clock. 6. in summer my mother does not go … work and i don’t go … school. we live … the country. my father goes … work every day, so he stays … town. but sometimes he comes …the country after work and goes back … town early in the morning, when i am still … bed.
1. In winter I usually go …to bed at ten o’clock because I go to… school and have to get up early. But in summer, when I don’t go …to school and live …in the country, I like to go …to bed late. 2. Do you like to read …in bed? 3. We didn’t want to stay …in town on such a hot day, so we went …to the country. 4. It is very late. Go …to bed at once. 5. Where is your little sister? – She is …in bed. Mother always puts her …to bed at eight o’clock. 6. In summer my mother does not go …to work and I don’t go …to school. We live …in the country. My father goes …to work every day, so he stays …in town. But sometimes he comes to…the country after work and goes back …to town early in the morning, when I am still …in bed.