Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Грамматика языка проверочные работы к учебнику и.н верещагиной о, в афанасьевой english iv 4 класс 2.найдите и исправьте ошибки 1.i don't know the boy.i never met him. 2.how long it takes you to clean your room? 3.it is raining hardly.let's stay at home. 4.there will a museum in this square next year. 5.have you invited much people to the new year party? 6.who did wash the floor? 7.i am sure the film will interesting. 8.has he lock the door? -yes, ge has. 9.will be there any books for the boys? 10.they have bought this book three months ago.