Yevgeniya Bessonov

Кто может написать текст на 100-150 слов лёгкий ? на тему лёгкую ?

Английский язык


У Васи и Кати была кошка. Весной кошка пропала, и дети не могли ее найти.Один раз они играли и услышали над головой мяуканье. Вася закричал Кате:- Нашел кошку и котят! Иди сюда скорее.Котят было пять. Когда они подросли. Дети выбрали себе одного котенка, серого с белыми лапками. Они кормили его, играли с ним и клали с собой спать.Один раз дети пошли играть на дорогу и взяли с собой котенка. Они отвлеклись, а котенок играл один. Вдруг они услыхали, что кто-то громко кричит: «quot;Назад, назад!»quot; - и увидали, что скачет охотник, а впереди его две собаки увидали котенка и хотят схватить его. А котенок, глупый. Сгорбил спину и смотрит на собак.Собаки хотели схватить котенка, но Вася подбежал, упал животом на котенка и закрыл его от собак
Vasya and Katya had a cat. Spring cat was gone, and the children could not find it.Once they played and heard over his head meow. Bob cried Kate:- I Found Cats and kittens! Come here soon.There were five kittens. When they grew up. The children chose a single kitten, gray with white paws. They fed him, played with him and put him to sleep with.Once the children went to play on the road, and took with him a kitten. They were distracted, and the kitten playing one. Suddenly they heard someone shouting: «quot; Back, back!» Quot; - And saw that jumps the hunter, and in front of his two dogs saw a kitten and want to grab it. A kitten, silly. He hunched his back and looks at the dogs.Dogs want to grab the kitten, but Bob ran, fell on his stomach on a kitten and closed it on dogs.
Today is Thursday, and John has been late twice this week; he was late yesterday and on Monday.
I first met George a month ago, and I have met himseveral times since then.
It is October now, and we have done a lot of work this year; we did a lot last year too.
She bought a coat last winter, but she hasn't bought a new dress since 2008.
It's only the middle of the month, and he has already spent most of his salary; he spent $60 yesterday.
I broke my leg in 1991, but I have never broken my arm.
He's over sixty, and he's still working. He has been working hard all his life. When he was a young man, he sometimes worked all night.
The postman came at eight yesterday, but it's now half past eight and he hasn't come yet.
Today is May 25th. Ted hasn't been absent this month.
He felt extremely ill when he went to hospital, but he's felt much better since he came out of hospital a month ago.

Full sleep

It is very important for a person to get enough sleep and everyone needs a different time period for this. If your friend sleeps five hours and is fresh in the morning, it does not mean that you will be enough for the same five hours. Try to go to bed on time and observe the daily routine. Stability is one of the enemies of stress, it calms. It is not for nothing that children in kindergarten have the same answer, it helps not only kindergarten employees to keep discipline, but also children to adapt to new living conditions. Knowing what will happen to you in an hour or two is the key to pe

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