
Написать сочинение на на тему "it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doupt " надо написать свое мнение

Английский язык


"It's better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are fool than to open it and remove all doubt" - once said American writter Mark Twain. I completely agree with his statement. It's better to talk less and to think more. Even if you're fool indeed and you keep your mouth closed other people will never think what you really are. You should give a value to your words and speak only that time when you asked to. If your words don't make any sense then of course you will be full in their eyes (even though you are not).

Volleyball (born from volleyball volley - «hitting the ball from the summer" (also translated as "flying", "soaring") and ball - «Ball") - a sport, team sports game, during which two teams compete in a special area divided by a net, trying to send the ball to the opponent so that he landed on the floor of the opponent (finish to the floor) or a defensive player made ​​a mistake. Moreover, for the organization of attack players of one team is allowed no more than three consecutive touches the ball (in addition to the touch on the block).
For fans of volleyball - a common way of leisure and entertainment thanks to the simplicity of the rules and availability of inventory.There are numerous options for volleyball, branched off from the main view - beach volleyball (an Olympic sport since 1996), a mini-volleyball, pionerbol, park volleyball
Swimming - sport or sports discipline is to overcome in the shortest time to swim various distances. [1] In this case, submerged under current rules now allowed to swim 15 meters after the start or turn (in the breaststroke this restriction is formulated differently );Drawings on archaeological finds show that people in ancient Egypt , Assyria , Phoenicia, and in many other countries were able to swim for several millennia BC, and they know ways resembled modern swimming front crawl and breaststroke . While swimming was purely applied character - with fishing , hunting for waterfowl game, underwater fishing , in military affairs. In ancient Greece, swimming was used as an important means of physical education.In 1896, swimming became a program of the first Olympic Games, and since then has consistently ranked in the Olympic program . In 1899, Budapest underwent major international competitions involving athletes from several European countries , they have become more held annually in different European countries and were called " European Championship "Плавание — вид спорта или спортивная дисциплина, заключающаяся в преодолении вплавь за наименьшее время различных дистанций.[1] При этом в подводном положении по действующим ныне правилам разрешается проплыть не более 15 м после старта или поворота (в плавании брассом подобное ограничение сформулировано по-другому);Рисунки на археологических находках свидетельствуют, что люди в Древнем Египте, Ассирии, Финикии и во многих других странах умели плавать за несколько тысячелетий до нашей эры, и известные им плавания напоминали современные кроль и брасс. В то время плавание носило чисто прикладной характер — при рыбной ловле, охоте за водоплавающей дичью, подводном промысле, в военном деле. В Древней Греции плавание стало использоваться как важное средство физического воспитания.В 1896 году плавание вошло в программу первых Олимпийских игр, и с тех пор неизменно входит в олимпийскую программу. В 1899 году в Будапеште крупные международные соревнования с участием спортсменов из нескольких европейских стран; далее они стали проводиться ежегодно в различных странах Европы и носили название «первенство Европы»

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Написать сочинение на на тему "it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doupt " надо написать свое мнение
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