
Свыбрать один правильный из скобок или поставить глагол в правильное время) 1.i have heard that he (is coming, came, has come, would come) back tomorrow. 2.tom said that he and kate (had, have, were, ничего +invited) his and her parents. 3.simon asked me how (i were going, i was going, would i gone, was i gone) to get to moscow the next day. 4. the receptionist said that if i (wanted, want, would) to have breakfast i(will, would) have to pay extra money. 5. the teacher said that the rain and the wind (ruin, ruined, had ruined, were ruined) mountains. 6.it is interesting to know what (they do, are they doing, do they do, they are doing) there. 7.did mr.morgan say (had she called, she had called, has she called, she called)? 8.she asked sue if she (be) to new york before. 9.debora says she (decide) to quit her job but i don't believe her, 10.she said that they (be) to australia 2 years before. 11.kate ask us if (she, could-can, come) around to watch the football with us. 12.when i called, susie said she (be. give) the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back. 13.tom showed me which exercises he (do 14.i asked them when (they, be) on holiday last time. 15.he said that the earth (is, has been, been, was) round. 16.john said he and sue (see) adam yesterday. 17.tina said she did not know why (they, not, contacted) her recently. 18.she asked tim if he really (writes, had/has written, wrote) that poem. 19.i did not know he (writes. has/had written, wrote) a new book. 20.peter promised kate that he (were, would, will-stop-ed) smoking.

Английский язык


1.I have heard that he is coming back tomorrow.
2.Tom said that he and Kate had invited his and her parents.
3.Simon asked me how I was going to get to Moscow the next day.
4. The receptionist said that if I wanted to have breakfast I would have to pay extra money.
5. The teacher said that the rain and the wind ruin mountains.
6.It is interesting to know what  they are doing there.
7.Did Mr.Morgan say  she had called?
8.She asked Sue if she had been to New York before.
9.Debora says she has decided to quit her job but I don't believe her,
10.She said that they had been to Australia 2 years before.
11.Kate asks us if she can come around to watch the football with us.
12.When I called, Susie said she was giving the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back.
13.Tom showed me which exercises he hsd done.
14.I asked them when they had been on holiday last time.
15.He said that the Earth is round.
16.John said he and Sue had seen Adam yesterday.
17.Tina said she did not know why theyhad not contacted her recently.
18.She asked Tim if he really had written that poem.
19.I did not know he had written a new book.
20.Peter promised Kate that he  would, stop smoking

прочитай текст. написать верно или не верно рядом с предложениями.

как все планеты попали туда? как это только наша планета имеет жизнь? Будем ли мы когда-нибудь путешествовать на другие планеты? Я часто думаю об этих вопросах. Я думаю, что наша планета самая лучшая. Это выглядит так красиво из космоса с его смесью синего и зеленого. Другие планеты выглядят так странно для меня. Меркурий - это просто красный шар, почти такой же, как Марс. Сатурн выглядит как настоящая планета. Кольца придают ему особый вид. Другие планеты выглядят не так интересно. Я не очень много знаю о Венере, Нептуне, Уране и Юпитере. Когда я был маленьким и в школе, я узнал, что Плутон - это планета. Однако сейчас это не так. Ученые решили, что в нашей солнечной системе всего восемь планет, а не девять. Интересно, почему они сбросили Плутон?

1. Наша планета выглядит так красиво из космоса

2. Меркурий почти такой же, как Венера

3. Кольца придают Сатурну особый вид

4. Плутон теперь планета

5. Ученые решили, что в нашей солнечной системе есть 10 планет


чееел, вот


1. since (Идет дождь с пятницы.)

2. at (Я не видел тебя дома.)

3. from – in (Откуда ты родом? – Россия. Но живу я в Германии.)

4. for – in (Подожди меня. Я вернусь через час.)

5. to – by (Мы часто ездим в Сочи на поезде.)

6. for (Люси работает официанткой в течение 4 лет.)

7. until (Он не мог заснуть до трех утра.)

8. after (Ее назвали в честь бабушки?)

9. in (Они интересуются философией.)

10. of (Я не люблю кошек.)

11. at (Тебе надо повернуть налево на углу.)

12. At – on (В 10 часов Бен разговаривал по телефону.)

13. at (Они все еще на работе.)

14. to (Он никогда не ходит в кино.)

15. of – by (Портрет моей матери был написан известным художником.)

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Свыбрать один правильный из скобок или поставить глагол в правильное время) 1.i have heard that he (is coming, came, has come, would come) back tomorrow. 2.tom said that he and kate (had, have, were, ничего +invited) his and her parents. 3.simon asked me how (i were going, i was going, would i gone, was i gone) to get to moscow the next day. 4. the receptionist said that if i (wanted, want, would) to have breakfast i(will, would) have to pay extra money. 5. the teacher said that the rain and the wind (ruin, ruined, had ruined, were ruined) mountains. 6.it is interesting to know what (they do, are they doing, do they do, they are doing) there. 7.did mr.morgan say (had she called, she had called, has she called, she called)? 8.she asked sue if she (be) to new york before. 9.debora says she (decide) to quit her job but i don't believe her, 10.she said that they (be) to australia 2 years before. 11.kate ask us if (she, could-can, come) around to watch the football with us. 12.when i called, susie said she (be. give) the dog a bath so she asked me to phone back. 13.tom showed me which exercises he (do 14.i asked them when (they, be) on holiday last time. 15.he said that the earth (is, has been, been, was) round. 16.john said he and sue (see) adam yesterday. 17.tina said she did not know why (they, not, contacted) her recently. 18.she asked tim if he really (writes, had/has written, wrote) that poem. 19.i did not know he (writes. has/had written, wrote) a new book. 20.peter promised kate that he (were, would, will-stop-ed) smoking.
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